Author Archives: Pict1

The bizarrest incident

I’ve been on social media where supporters of Russia and Zelensky often engage in the most hostile disputes, yet peace seems to have broken out. Over what? The bogus charges against Trump. They all seem to agree that the changes … Continue reading

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The end of dollar dominance

It has been obvious to me for a while, that Russia’s response to the US aggression against the people of Donbas was not primarily military. The US, or at least some people in power in the US, envisaged that a … Continue reading

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The fallacy of wind ever being “economic”

The theory of Enerconics tells us that: An economy is a means to turn energy into things that are useful or of value. This is completely at odds with traditional economics which views energy as just another commodity. The big … Continue reading

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Russia to invade Europe

Peace comes when both sides decide that they have nothing further to gain from fighting. If, we understand that criteria for peace, then when Russia finally takes over Ukraine, despite the US’s attempt to push their own offensive, what is … Continue reading

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Ukraine is a fight for the future of freedom

Russia is going to win against the forces of woke in Ukraine, which will see the beginning of the collapse of the DemonRat US, the EU and many other woke institutions that have been such a horror of the last … Continue reading

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What is the purpose of spam?

Why do email accounts get so much spam? Why do websites get so much spam? Originally, it was what people think it is: people trying to sell us thinks and various scams. But, I don’t think that is true any … Continue reading

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Ukrainian administration falling apart

Breaking news: Ukranian media, such as Strana, reports that the deputy head of the President’s Office, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, offered to resign from his post. In his place, they plan to appoint the head of the military administration of the Kiev … Continue reading

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Is the Ukrainian Military about to Collapse?

For obvious reasons, what I see of the Ukrainian conflict is heavily contorted by both what the US and Russia are trying to get me to see. However, there are beginning to be signs, which I don’t think are likely … Continue reading

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The emerging multipolar world is destroying the power of the dollar

Credit Suisse: Current account surpluses of Russia, China and Saudi Arabia have reached record levels. But now these surpluses are not being transferred to traditional reserve dollar assets,” says Zoltan Pozhar, strategist and managing director of the Swiss bank Credit … Continue reading

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Nato’s Nazis are losing

The bizarre thing about the Ukrainian war, is seeing the behaviour of those vile organisations, who for years attacked anyone who dared disagree with their woke vendetta against humanity of being “Nazis”. Unfortunately, I cannot post the videos showing the … Continue reading

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