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Free speech, the safety valve of revolution

Revolutions occur when those who control society do not respond to the concerns of the people in those societies, and those people decide that there is no other way to have their concerns addressed than to support revolution.

Free speech, something now so hated by the likes of Stärmer, is in fact essential for the likes of Stärmer, because unless he and his totalitarian fascists can hear what ordinary people are thinking, he will have no idea of what the ordinary people are thinking and therefore resentment and discontent will rise until there is revolution.

Of course, on the way, we are likely to get mass murders as occurred in Nazi Germany, Stalin’s USSR, Mao’s China, Pol Pot, etc., because as free speech is ended, both the governed and governing start embracing the extreme ideas. The governed murdering the masses and the masses finally realising they are on the road to be murdered eventually condoning or facilitating the murdering the government.

All Stärmer is now doing, is blocking the pressure release valve of society and, whilst that might give the appearance of quietening the pressure cooker, any engineer knows what is really going on.

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When Scepticism becomes mainstream

In all the heat and fury of the appalling behaviour of Starmer, most people have not noticed that scepticism has become mainstream. It’s now widely accepted that the politicians and media are lying to us most of the time. Medics and academics are not far behind. They have done everything they can to discredit themselves, and now, rather than halt their lies and apologise in an attempt to improve their trustworthiness, they are doubling down with the lies. It’s a vicious circle. They can no longer keep spreading their politicised lies and retain credibility. The two are not compatible.

I am now finding myself shocked to hear someone who actually believes the lies, because they are a dying breed (in the case of covid literally). People are adjusting the way they view the world to take account of the fact that they are being endlessly lied to by the legacy media, politicians, academics and even doctors.

We now have societal anti-bodies against the obnoxious people who spread the climate & covid lies. Every time the liars try to push for more, there is now a rapid response that each time grows in magnitude. The resistance is growing far far faster than the disease.

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The collapse of the Global warming scam

It’s a bit like watching one of your children, repeatedly touching an electric fence after you said “don’t”. It’s not nice watching society starting to fall apart as NutZero starts to do its damage, but I do have confidence that now the damage is clearly being felt, that, despite being led by the dumbest people I can ever imagine being put in charge of any country, even they will eventually realise that you can’t do NutZero without a massive electric shock.

Of course, it’s not going to happen all at once. I don’t expect a road to Damascus moment where all the politicians double their IQ and say “Oh … NutZero is causing everyone to hate us we must drop it”. Instead, it will take perhaps 10 to 20 years of continuous extreme hatred of these politicians and extreme economic and social disruption for them to finally figure what someone like me figured out decades ago. But, it will happen. Hopefully they will be out of office long before that and Reform or another party will have taken over.

But, it is happening … my baby is growing up. Global warming scepticism is now mainstream. It is now well beyond the original people who were there at the beginning. Now people like Farage and many other politicians have seen the opportunity it gives to them to progress their careers and they are clearly on the bandwagon.

Is Climate Important

Of course humanity is affecting the climate, and the way we are affecting the climate is worrying. CO2 is a bit player in the act, but it is never-the-less something that in sane times I might have more interest in. But, it is very clear to me, that the world is insane and run by completely corrupt morons who couldn’t spot the right thing to do, unless it was painted with money.

Nothing is going to change the corruption. Nothing I can do is going to improve on the utter stupidity of policy we have now. The only thing that will change anything is the hostile reaction of the public to Nut Zero.

As for the climate … we have no idea what happens next, we have no idea how mankind is causing it or not … and all we can do is live with it. Because I wouldn’t trust the political leadership in most of the world to farm turnips.


Clearly people in the US government colluded with the gunman. That’s not a conspiracy theory … that is simply the fact.

Does it matter? Only for those two who died … and every sympathy to their family and friends. As for Trump, I really couldn’t care less. The US is a cess pit of corruption and I don’t think it will matter who is in charge, the corruption is destroying it from the inside. The best thing for us in Britain now, is to break all ties with the US and hope we don’t go down with them.

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The stupidity of spam

Some time ago, I decided to block google from searching this site. That was done on principle, because google is such an appallingly evil company. But, from a practical point of view, it had the great benefit that for many years I got no spam.

Unfortunately, Google must have started sneakily scanning the site, because I started getting spam again. Yet, it is interesting to see the spam. About a third of it comes from the CIA who post stuff in Russian script with the intention of creating hatred of the Russia. It just makes me hate the US more. Likewise all the other spam, which I now realise is produced by the big US corporations who tried, and to a large extent, did destroy the altruistic web that people like me helped build in the 2000s. Clearly they try and destroy any independent site, especially if they are not controlled by CIA-compliant corps.

But, then there are the humorous ones …

“Want immediate visitors from Google? Discover ways to attract visitors without spending on ads!”

Of course, none of them read anything here. And, likewise I don’t read the trash from the CIA. However, I do like to keep an eye on what the CIA are currently attacking. Helps me get into their mindset!

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Nut Zero here we come!!! LOL

For years people have been telling us they wanted to have Nut Zero as soon as possible. Now, those people have a government with a whopping majority committed to Nut Zero, the other biggest parties are also massively in favour and so there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever not to go fool speed ahead with the biggest insanity in the world.

After all “It’s good for the economy” and “it brings down energy prices” and generally its the best thing in the world and there is absolutely no reason to oppose.

Well, now the public will find out the truth of their lies.

Yes, it will be like the charge of the light brigade with total carnage for a short period, but no one repeats the charge of the light brigade.

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Reform to be the new government

Well I made a cock up there … apparently Reform are to be the NEXT government (serves me right for listening to my gut after a curry)

I was a little shocked today to find I had started to talk about a Reform government using English tenses that indicated it was going to happen. After a little thought, I realised that it wasn’t such an insane idea.

Usually, I would try to predict the election result using some form of estimation procedure working out current voter share, trends etc.

This time, voting intentions are moving so quickly that I cannot do that and produce anything meaningful forecast. Instead, I’m left with a gut feeling that Reform will win.

To what extent that gut feeling is valid, only time will tell, but I do have that gut feeling, and in the present election I don’t have any other means to attempt to forecast the result.

So, I am now predicting a Reform victory. That suggests the Tories will be virtually wiped out. Probably with less than 1o seats. Annoyingly Lib Dems may also do well. But no one likes Starmer. He was the smarmy git who took the electorate for a ride and assumed his victory was a sure thing … without the need to ever justify anyone voting for the smarmy loathsome creature. That strategy seems to have misfired.

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Will Farage beat Globalists Liebour?

With the UK Right out the picture, the UK elections have come down to a fight between the Popular Reform party and the UN-Popularist globalist party led by someone who is the complete opposite of what any party would put forward as a leader. Someone who was responsible for the crown prosecution service when they did absolutely nothing to stop Saville or the Islamic grooming gangs. And, note: the only person who ever got prosecuted was the person who did most to call out those who allowed it all to happen: Tommy Robinson.

Only Farage can now stop Liebour, an appalling globalist party that (at least since Bliar) has never done anything for the poor or socially deprived in Britain … instead it just panders to the $oros/Globalist agenda that puts up fuels costs and destroys democracy, stability and generally makes life a lot worse, especially for the poor.

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Trumps wins

The stupidity of the campaign against Trump has left me wondering whether it’s intended to get Trump elected. As far as I’m concerned, he’s just another US president. Less corrupt than many, but just as gullible on issues like the Israeli genocide.

At one time I might have said “as leader of the free world etc.”, but that is no longer true. The US is no longer the leader of anything except political corruption. Would Trump sort it out, not if his first term is anything to go by. The corruption did not end with Trump, although the corrupt clearly disliked Trump intensely, but realistically, he did little to change anything.

Perhaps another term would be different. He would know what he was letting himself in for and he would have a better idea how to tackle the blatant corruption now seen in the New York “court” … which is giving any real courts left a very bad name, because it is just a joke.

The stupid thing, is the US is on the way out, with or without Trump. Indeed, if Russia has to go to war with the West, it would clearly want Bidem as “leader”.

But it now looks like a sure Trump victory. Does it matter if he wins that way? Not on his own merits, but because of the stupidity of those against him? I could think of better politicians to be president, but they don’t have a chance now.

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Russia Responds to Western threats against Russia

Foreign Ministry statement ( on the Russian Armed Forces’ exercises held to practice for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons

Regarding the upcoming Russian military exercises held to practice for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, we would like to point out that these drills should be viewed in the context of the recent militant statements made by Western officials and the highly destabilising actions taken by several NATO countries to increase military pressure on the Russian Federation <…>.

The matter concerns above all the open declaration of support for and the provision of direct assistance to the terrorist attacks against Russia carried out by the Kiev regime with the use of increasingly more advanced Western weapons provided to it. <…>

Apart from the British and French long-range missiles, which have long been used in Ukraine, we have taken special note of the models of US-made ATACMS missiles, which have been recently sent to Ukraine and are capable of reaching targets inside Russia.

At the same time, attempting to build up multifaceted missile threats to Russia, the US has openly and manifestly launched the deployment of ground-based intermediate- and shorter-range missiles, which were previously prohibited under the INF Treaty, around the world. <…>

We hereby expressly declare that we reserve the right to respond in kind, no matter where US-made intermediate- and shorter-range missiles are deployed, which would amount to the termination of Russia’s unilateral moratorium on the deployment of these weapon systems. <…>

These and several other actions by NATO countries actually show that they are deliberately trying to escalate the Ukrainian crisis all the way to an open military confrontation between NATO countries and Russia within the framework of their hostile policy of inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia.

There is a way to deal with Russia; But childish behaviour and empty threats from imbecilic politicians which Russia knows the west cannot back up, because of the insane policies like Nut Zero, won’t intimidate them.

If it came to WWIII, Russia knows that it is in a far better position than any of the west to recover afterwards. In contrast, it would be the end of the west. Russia has no long term interest in caving in to the empty and childish threats of the west, when it knows that either it would win or the west would be forced into a humiliating and catastrophic climb down.

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The death of an era

I have discovered today that Raquel Welch is dead … I am in deep mourning. OK, I’m about a year too late, and she died at 82 with Alzheimer’s, so not a bad run, but I would still have loved to talk to her or any of the cast of the film about it.

On the positive side, I’ve discovered that there was a 1940 version of One Million Years BC starring Carole Landis in the same role as Raquel and Victor Mature as Tumak. His best known film roles include One Million B.C. (1940), My Darling Clementine (1946), Kiss of Death (1947), Samson and Delilah (1949), and The Robe (1953). He also appeared in many musicals opposite such stars as Rita Hayworth and Betty Grable.

For the female star Carole Landis the 1940 role was also her breakout role and she was then known as “The Ping Girl” and “The Chest” because of her curvy figure … which explains why Raquel got the part.

Bizarrely the two films, separated by 24 years of improvement in cinema technology show almost the same scenes with pet lizard portraying terrifying dinosaurs inhabiting the world with man. It’s as if the technology had stood still!

And today’s other news: the camper van party is in trouble.

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