Monthly Archives: January 2022

Forgiveness – only after they pay the price

I wrote a reply to this article: Michael Gove says ‘Christian forgiveness’ is needed over partygate, but in today’s world of silent censorship, the fact I posted it, and think it is there for others to see, as I can … Continue reading

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Mass Formation, WWII, Climate, Witches and sceptics.

I have formerly developed the idea that the information revolution was going to have/now having profound effects on our society, and seeing that happen with covid, I have likened it to being akin to what happened in WWII Germany: mass … Continue reading

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The Paper which mean Fauci, Big Pharma execs and many world “leaders” face the death penalty

New Study Emerges From 145 Countries Showing Increase of Death After COVID Vaccines Introduced The scientific study, “Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries,” finds that in … Continue reading

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It’s over and the woke forces lost

I now have growing confidence that not only have we seen the latest and every milder variant peak, but that the number of deaths or even severely ill people in the UK is going to be very small … the … Continue reading

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