I am stepped in so far into new thinking on my own … that I cannot go back to explain

I have been exploring the concept of human development by  “non-innovation”, in other words, the idea that everything evolved without any great thinkers or “eureka”  moments, and it has been extremely fruitful. Today I was looking at the development of farming … and I had a Eureka moment (which using the methodology I have, is not supposed to be part of human development).

The model says, that there is nothing special in this “eureka moment” even if it felt marvellous to me. Instead it was something that was going to happen inevitably and I just happen to be the person it happened to … and that was simply a result of the current state of human technological development. It was going to happen, whether I was around or not,  So, I am nothing special …. but it still felt good.

But aside from the paradox inherent in MY approach (and it is mine … so a Eureka idea … so very much a paradox in a theory that says “Eureka moments don’t matter” … and they do not “belong” to people … they are just an inevitable stage in development that was always going to happen.) ….

But aside from that paradox, I’m increasingly seeing that it is going to be very difficult to explain what I’ve done to academia. Academia is a stifling culture which praises and admires the  “Eurekas” … indeed it is very much a culture of the “inventor” and “expert” to whom it ascribes all great things. That is because it is a culture that praises the individual … especially the individuals in charge of academia.

They were never going to like my approach, even when it was obvious what I was doing, But now I find that I’m starting to develop quite sophisticated complex ideas of human development, which all rely on earlier work, non of it published. You cannot understand my latest ideas, without accepting and understanding the earlier …. non of it published,

Of course, publishing would improve the work through critique … and it will be far from perfect … but getting bogged down in long debates about detail would also destroy my ability and will to continue. The stifling culture of academia that “only changes one death at a time” is never going to accept anything so radical where even the approach is radical, but the result is a series of extremely radical proposals – all extremely controversial – so all draining my time to “argue my case” and therefore motivation to continue moving forward if I publish.

In current academia, even if you are an insider (not an outsider like me) to be accepted new ideas have to be pushed for the whole length of an academic career to finally be accepted. Because I am not so fettered, I’ve been able to do the work of half a dozen academic careers in a fraction of the time, albeit, the quality will never be as good as a thoroughly “traumatised” academic idea pushed for a lifetime against vicious critique.

Fortunately, I have no particular desire “to be accepted”, so I do not need any academic to agree with me. I just want to work it out … because the way we actually developed is absolutely fascinating. It’s like watching the very best thriller series, and never being disappointed. It’s like having my very own time machine … and I love it.

So, do I go back to start trying to explain … or continue the adventure into the unknown? Not a difficult choice.

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Looks like Arctic Sea Ice will be at a new maximum by 2040 … bye bye global warming cult!

In a new post on Twitter Tony Heller shows a graph that shows a marked increase in sea ice from a minimum around 2010. This suggests that the arctic sea ice will reach the maximum of the 1980s (a fraudulent start to the “trend”) in about 2040, or roughly a 60 year cycle putting us close to the half way point as we move from the more-open water to more-frozen phase.

Anyone that knows anything about the climate scam, knows that all the temperature data is and was cherry picked to show “warming”. That cannot be changed, but what will change is that the supposed icon of the global warming scam: melting Arctic ice, is now revealed to be a bogus trend totally at odds with the fraudulent temperature data. The two are increasingly incompatible and irreconcilable with each other.

It is now safe to say that global warming alarmism is in for a long period of decline.

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Phases of the covid jab debacle

1. Vaccines are good
2. The more vaccines the better
3. Anyone who doesn’t agree with Big Pharma’s profiteering from more and more vaccines is evil (according to Big Pharma propaganda)
4. There is no way to get a vaccine for a virus like Covid and we should rely on natural immunity
5. mRNA treatments are not vaccines
6. … mRNA treatments are now vaccines
7. … mRNA treatments are so good (for profits) that they don’t need testing
8. Anyone who disputes the wonderful untested mRNA treatments is evil
9. mRNA treatment is conquering covid
10. Natural immunity does not exist … it’s just a conspiracy theory by “anti-vaxxers”
11. There are no downsides to mRNA treatments
12. we won’t mention whether mRNA treatments worked …. but there are no downsides
13 OK, there might be downsides but they are rare
14. OK. there are downsides, but we were still right to force the public to take them
15. There are downsides, but it was still good … but we’re not going to give you any of the data that supposedly says how good they are.
16 There are downsides … can’t you just forget it!
17. Look there’s a squirrel … no one wants to talk about the jab
18. White worms? Calamari clots … don’t believe it
19 White worms? Calamari clots … Old Fred just died with that
20. White worms? Calamari clots … several people I know died with that
21 White worms? Calamari clots … could I get it? … perhaps we should look into it.
22. Albuslumbricusterristristhrombosis is a serious problem that urgently needs a shed load of money for research
23. If it weren’t for all those anti-vaxxers the issue of Albuslumbricusterristristhrombosis would have been solved long ago.
24. Everyone who took the jab now needs to be massively compensated (at the expense of everyone who didn’t take the jab)

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WWIII goes puff

How Russia will react to France sending Troops

This is how I think Russia are going to react to the French sending solders officially, rather than unofficially (many the French government have sent have already been killed fighting Russia).

Russia isn’t going to change its rules of engagement by even one comma as a result of this French insanity. If they are actively participating in the attack on what is now Russian soil, they are legitimate targets. The fact they are official French troops won’t change anything.

If France then triggers article five, as far as Russia is concerned the west don’t respect rules or agreements, so they are no more likely to respect article 5 than the Minsk agreement. But, if other countries want to be led by France into a full blown nuclear war… whatever article 5 says … that is their choice. It was going to happen sooner or later.

That is why Russia has drawn a red line about Nato expansion. Nato either has to respect that red line or try their hand at WWIII and likely nuclear war.

As far as the Russians are concerned, if it comes to Nuclear war … it was going to happen, and they may as well do it now when they have been preparing for it for decades under Putin than do it later when the West has had time to catch up.


Some people imagine that this war is about Ukraine. It isn’t. It’s much more complex than that. Russia has an alternative view of the world which is not one where every country is run & controlled by US globalists (those owning the media and google and big corps).

So, the US globalists want regime change in Russia, as they’ve done any other place that puts up resistance to being controlled by US globalists, and they saw the way to do that was a war in Ukraine. That would also block off Russia from the black sea, make it effectively landlocked on its southern border and prevent it supplying arms and support to the middle eastern countries being attacked by Ishrael.

Russia doesn’t have the best of records in Ukraine, and this enabled the US/CIA/Globalists to stoke up hatred of Russia through a network of neo-nasi groups in the country. They also regime changed by sending in snipers to kill both police and protestors and get their man(?) Zelensky installed as a pro-US-Globalist puppet.

The intention was for Zelensky to so repress & abuse the Russian speaking minority in Ukraine as to provoke Russia into a war, which was not intended to be “won” as such, but merely to allow the globalists to sanction Russian and destroy the economy, bring down Putin and then get their man in Russia … whereupon Russia would be carved up, US media would control the Russian media … the Russian elections would be rigged by their control over the Russian media, and Russia would become another poodle in the Globalist Harem.

But Putin, as a KGB officer, understood what the western globalists were up to. And, rather than falling for their bait, he waited his time whilst preparing for a long drawn out war leading potentially to WWIII. And, when Putin had undermined the western economies by “helping” Nut Zero and other similar strategies undermining our ability to fight, he chose the opportune time to trigger the war in Ukraine, in a way that played to the Russian strengths and made the west look stupid.

The west now has no way out, but either to give into Putin, or to escalate to WWIII … something that Putin has prepared for, and so probably thinks he can win.

In the meantime, the US debt is skyrocketing, along with other countries, and Putin is getting countries to ditch the US dollar which will very seriously damage the US economy and along with it, all western economies.

And, if the west were to trigger WWIII … that would inevitably cause a run on the dollar and trigger a very sudden and very deep economic collapse which would mean Putin would likely win without firing a single missile.

But why did the French go nuts?

France is particularly miffed with Russia at the moment, because having pushed the (Russian inspired) Nut Zero policy on the assumption that it would get huge advantage due to its use nuclear from Uranium mined in its former colony Niger … Russia has “inspired” a coop in that country cutting off France from its essential nuclear supplies. As a result the French zeal for the (Russian inspired) Nut Zero, means France isn’t going to have cheap nuclear power, but instead is going to commit eco-economic suicide like the rest of the EU & UK.


Putin has played a blinder of a game manipulating the west into a situation where it either has to opt for a humiliating climb down which may well tear the EU and Nato apart, or it goes ahead with WWIII, which will very speedily trigger the economic collapse of the west.

There’s a reason for them all being crazy … there’s no way out for them that preserves their credibility and maintains their positions.

It looks like Game Set and Match to Putin.

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You can survive nuclear war – why is the good news being repressed?

For more than a year, I have been working out how to survive nuclear war and the result is that I am now quite convinced that the majority of people would easily survive … and that there are things we can do to help push us from the group that dies to the group that survives. Yes, large numbers will die in a nuclear war, that is a given, but that is very different from everyone will die. That is a lie.

But, having worked out that survival isn’t that difficult, I’ve hit a problem. As a sceptic, I need to check my work, and so I’ve tried to find people who I can discuss the subject with. But, despite finding so called “prepper”, “survival” or “bushcraft” sites, which you would imagine would be delighted to discuss how to survive a nuclear war, the opposite is the truth. Every discussion on surviving WWIII has either been shut down or targetted with doomsayers pushing the lie that death is inevitable.

Why would people do that? Why would sites claiming to be discussion forums for survival … implying a very positive attitude to surviving … repress discussion on how to survive nuclear war? It’s all been very odd and I’ve struggled to explain it!

There seems two most likely reasons:

  1. People are trying to stop serious preparation for a nuclear war – because they don’t want “other people” (meaning people like me) to survive
  2. People are trying to stop serious preparation for a nuclear war – because they think preparation will make a war more likely.

Either way, it appears that so called “prepper” sites, aren’t what they claim: they are run by people who don’t want anyone to actually prepare for a nuclear war. To put it simply, the forums claiming to be “prepper” sites are not to encourage preparation, they are intended to stop preparation! That is very easy to do: add a lot of stupid “conspiracy” posts about “the great reset” and that puts off most people who see the sites discussing deliberately created “conspiracy theories” and they think preparation looks idiotic … and if anyone (like me) attempts to have a serious discussion … that then gets repressed, censored or demoralised so that the discussion never goes any where.

At which point, I would like to say “well … it doesn’t actually matter” because a nuclear war is unlikely. However, one of these options (that they don’t want us to survive), seems to imply the existence of a doomsday cult which is actively pushing us toward nuclear war, in an attempt to kill the vast majority of humanity. If so, that would make a nuclear war very much more likely.

At which point I have to do a sense check: can I really believe that there are people who would push something that would kill millions. That sounds utterly crazy, but unfortunately, the truth is that there could be such people, because that is what Net Zero is. Net Zero is a doomsday cult attempting to destroy the entire modern fossil economy upon which billions of people rely to survive.

So, I cannot dismiss the doomsday cult on the basis that people would have to be insane to push it, because they have to be insane to push Net Zero. There are insane people around … so the argument that “you have to be insane to kill billions” … doesn’t mean there aren’t people trying to kill billions.

Why would a doomsday cult want to kill humanity? Because there are people who believe that humanity (meaning everyone else) is a “plague” on the planet destroying all the wildlife. And, it is true that much of the wilderness has been destroyed by human population growth. So, it is possible that there is a cult that thinks the planet cannot be “saved” until almost every single human (except themselves) is killed.

And, there are people who are openly talking of population reduction … a euphemism for mass murder. So, there are already people openly supporting the mass murder of huge numbers of people. It doesn’t take a lot to go from mass murder of large numbers, to mass murder of everyone (but themselves). It is not a scenario that can be easily rejected.

I need to think about this.

Upon reflection: The most obvious explanation is that people running “prepper” sites are eco-nutters who hate the idea of nuclear war. However, that makes it quite possible that they would have bought into the “Great reset” population annihilation cult. I therefore should keep my mind open to the possibility that we are being deliberately manipulated into nuclear war intended to “end humanity” (except the “chosen”). Open to the possibility, doesn’t mean it is happening, or is going to happen … it just means I should double check anything that might indicate whether such a cult is in action.

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The green bubble is bursting

Although the end of the insane green was inevitable, that didn’t mean the non-science couldn’t continue longer than I could reasonably expect to live. However, that doesn’t seem to be a problem now, as there is every sign the green bubble is starting to burst.


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What comes after Woke

The climate scam is falling apart, the woke scam is falling apart, the Russian hatred is falling apart, the US military-industrial empire is falling apart.

What comes next?

We’ve now got to the stage, where there are many many people who are sceptical and who know more about the current climate than I do. Good for them. But, I’m not doing much good just being another voice in the growing chorus against the climate madness. The sake of woke, the same of Russian hatred, and … well the US committed suicide, and it’s hard to have any sympathy given the number of people they have killed and lives destroyed.

But what comes next?

There is no doubt there will be a swing back from the insanity of delusional classes (Former “political elite”). You cannot become like a dribbling delusional madman, and not pull back. But I doubt it will be a full sweeping of all things environmental etc. Is it possible we get a new form of “traditional puritism”, where all things modern are rejected and we return to ideas of traditional roles in society … albeit updated?

Will there be a movement against the evil global carteliers like Google-You-Censor and Fascist book? Or will Google-you-Censor who googled and brainwashed the world, become a woke turncoat and lead the revolt against woke?

Woke, has not exactly been a success. It hasn’t helped the poor, and it hasn’t helped the rich, it has only really been the pet project of a few ultra rich who couldn’t care if they earn money or not. It doesn’t have long term prospects … it will be ditched.

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How Sceptics won against the climate idiots

The problem for the climate idiots was a very simple one. Nut Zero is great in theory … but universally hated in practice.

And let me be clear … if Nut Zero were a diet plan, then we’re only at the stage of buying dozens of “low calorie” dishes and then eating them AS WELL AS the high calorie foods. There has been no reduction in CO2 globally. There has been no weight loss … yet still the populace are revolting. The morons like Handsome have lost. The science is clear: it isn’t a problem, the economics is clear: it cannot be justified, the engineering is clear: it can’t be done, the politics is clear: the public hate it.

To be honest, I thought the scam would have more staying power. If I had known how quickly the scam would fall apart, I would have been encouraging its “adoption” long ago.

The only remaining question is this: what is the next appalling fad going to be?


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White blood clots

The evidence shown by the new pathology of white blood clots linked to the jab is quite conclusive: the jab was deadly and we now have the “smoking gun” of the white blood clots.

Anyone who took the jab who learns about these white blood clots will be seriously worried.

It’s only a matter of time now, before those responsible feel their wrath.

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Net Zero Dying

 It is a real shame that Lord Lawson isn’t still with us to see the way Net Zero is imploding just a couple of years after the insane Tory party adopted the policy during the Totalitarian regime of Johnson.

Reality defeats daydreams!

1) European People’s Party wants to scrap EU’s 2035 ban on petrol and diesel cars
The Daily Telegraph, 19 January 2024

2) Conservatives pledge to scrap the EU’s petrol and diesel car ban if they win European elections
Electrive, 8 December 2023

3) Labour ditches flagship promise to spend £28billion on eco projects after funding row
The Sun, 19 January 2024

4) Labour denies axing £28bn green investment pledge
The Evening Standard, 19 January 2024

5) Union boss confronts Starmer over North Sea drilling ban
The Daily Telegraph, 19 January 2024

6) UK forced to buy record amount of electricity from Europe as wind and solar fall short
The Daily Telegraph, 19 January 2024

7) Net Zero Germany: A warning from a once prosperous country
The Times, 19 January 2024

8) Andrew Neil: Port Talbot has been sacrificed to the altar of Net Zero – which is why Labour’s crocodile tears are hard to stomach
Daily Mail, 20 January 2024

9) Allison Pearson: Port Talbot has been sacrificed to the angry god of Net Zero
The Daily Telegraph, 19 January 2024

10) Ross Clark: The madness of the Port Talbot closures
The Spectator, 19 January 2024

11) Don’t say you haven’t been warned: UK steel collapse ‘inevitable’ due to Net Zero
Global Warming Policy Forum, 21 March 2021

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