Ecthyma gangrenosum

I have been trying to go through a list of symptoms of infections that are likely in large 3rd degree burns, something that would be very common amongst many people after a nuclear exchange.

What the ££££  is:

“Erythematous necrotic lesions (ecthyma gangrenosum) in unburned skin”?

I can see why so many people just stick their head in the sand and sing “laa laa laa laa laa” whenever someone tries to seriously discuss how to prepare for a nuclear exchange. It is completely overwhelming.

And, I can see why doctors are sociopaths with no empathy … because how could you carry out surgery on a patient if you had any empathy with the blob of flesh you are cutting into?

I am beginning to realise, the reality, is that knowing what is killing someone, isn’t going to stop them dying. Even in the context of a hospital, a large burn with “Ecthyma gangrenosum” would be challenging, but, someone in a dirty hole somewhere with no medical training … not a chance.

The reality, is that having tried available disinfectants, you have to scrub the open wound with a very stiff brush to remove all dead flesh or cut the flesh off – and the patient will feel every bit of it. I don’t know if I could do that.

The truth is that so called “Prepping” isn’t about buying gadgets or even the scrubbing brush or knife to do the job … the real preparation is preparing yourself mentally for the challenge of scrubbing raw flesh of a child whilst they scream and all the other horrific things that survival entails after a nuclear war. I am not ready for it.

I read a preparation leaflet from some Scandinavian country. It sounded like a list of items to take to a church picnic. It was as different as chalk is from cheese from the reality of nuclear war. In no way was it preparing the people for the reality. In contrast, it was making surviving war sound like following Ikea assembly instructions.

Indeed, it made no mention at all of government. What Covid showed, is that it is government that will fall apart, followed by the medics who’ll shelter in their bunkers, probably joined by the army generals trying to find a safe space to discuss their gender equality as the missiles rain down. It’s that class of public servants producing these leaflets who will be least prepared of everyone. Especially mentally! Because they are the ones reliant on “government” to spoon feed them everything. Without government, they will be completely lost. They have been trained to be institutionally incapable of self-reliance – they simply won’t be able to function without someone sending them a memo or writing down detailed instructions.

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