The Future is black(out)

We have officially entered the age of stupid.

First we had the enormous black out of electricity in Scotland that was clearly down to wind.

Then we had the Australian blackout:

Australia’s energy regulator is taking legal action against four wind farm operators over a state-wide blackout in South Australia in 2016. The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is seeking compensation in court action from subsidiaries of AGL Energy, Neoen, Pacific Hydro and Tilt Renewables connected to an event on 28thSeptember 2016 when severe weather conditions led to significant…(link)

Then we had the million home blackout in England again due to wind:

Enappsys, an energy consultancy, said the blackout may have been caused by the unexpected shutdowns of the Hornsea offshore wind farm and the Little Barford gas-fired power plant, reports The Guardian. (link)

I’ve already bought an emergency light that goes on if there is a blackout. I’ve still to find a way to run the heating “offgrid” so to speak. But except for a shower, we can run without as we’ve now got several weeks worth of wood for heating (especially given how well our house is now insulated) and frankly – I’d be glad if the freezer defrosted and all the rubbish “left-overs” had to be chucked out.

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