Category Archives: internet Revolution

A Unified Theory of Recent Political Strife (UPDATE)

Today I came across a post (A Unified Theory of Recent Political Strife) which predicted “a period of social strife”, which given what we have seen from 2020. with covid, the stealing of the US election by BuyDem, the breaking … Continue reading

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Mass Formation, WWII, Climate, Witches and sceptics.

I have formerly developed the idea that the information revolution was going to have/now having profound effects on our society, and seeing that happen with covid, I have likened it to being akin to what happened in WWII Germany: mass … Continue reading

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The end of the age of democracy

In the 1970s there was a infamous Sun headline: “It was the Sun Wot won it”, referring to their appallingly dishonest electioneering which they blatantly admitted had manipulated people to vote for a party they otherwise would not have done … Continue reading

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How Facebook, Google and Twitter may have destroyed the modern world

In the same way “Social distancing” ought to be called “anti-social media”, so there is a good case that “social media”, or at least those who run it, are about as anti-social as it is possible to get and that … Continue reading

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Having used for a while as a twitter replacement, it seems that as a result of attacks on them by the “diversity is good – except diversity of views” fascists, they changed so that searches became impossible, which made … Continue reading

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The future of the press and media

50 years ago, anyone who wanted to sell a house, a car, or advertise a job, had very little choice other than to pay the enormous costs of advertising demanded by newspapers. And anyone looking for a job, a house, … Continue reading

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Is climate porn the last gasp of a dying breed?

The other night I watched the film “anchorman” and whilst beforehand I thought it would be a very poor comedy, at times it looked more like a documentary of our media. It certainly highlighted the way that the media fake … Continue reading

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The Post-Internet-Revolution society

I’ve been watching the tweets of every MSP and MP for the last fortnight – and whilst I had a pretty dim opinion of our “pro-oil anti-fossil-fuel) Holyrood MSPs before I’ve started, I’ve gone from thinking they’re deluded to thinking … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, internet Revolution, My Best Articles | 9 Comments

The death of the expert

Whenever someone challenges me for not believing in this or that “expert” I have a simple response: “I’m an expert on experts – I’ve written a book** on the subject and trust me, you can’t believe experts” Of course, if … Continue reading

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The death of the political elite

WUWT found an interesting video in which Obama and Merkel talk about the role of the internet in changing politics: To be totally frank: Obama and Merkel must find it incredibly difficult to understand politics where many people have given … Continue reading

Posted in internet Revolution, My Best Articles | 5 Comments