Next year's fashionable colour is electric

I used to work in the fashion industry in tights. And what surprised me was a discussion one day about the colour that was going to be fashionable, not in the next year, but the year after. It turned out, that the fashion industry all sat down and agreed what colours they would make fashionable in two years time.
And … what astounded me even more was how women (for it was mostly women at that time) … were so gullible that they went along like sheep and bought the colour they were brainwashed to buy (when everything in their wardrobe was perfectly adequate).
I could go on about how women seem to be inherently susceptible to fashion as even evident in old photos (except for men who hardly change their fashion until modern brainwashing), but instead today I want to talk about BBC brainwashing:

“The future is electric”

For years, the BBC have been broadcasting these programs about “the future”. Or in other forms “Industry is the past”. When I was a kid, I didn’t know any better and really did think the BBC knew better than I did. But now looking back at the BBC and their total cock-up on global warming and the way they jump on every fad … it’s clear to me their “future” has more to do with the “future” in fashion than it has to do with what ordinary people actual want or need.

In other words, these “the future is electric” ads on the TV (for that is all they really are), are not a prediction in the traditional sense of the word, but instead like the colour fixing fashion industry, they are an attempt to brainwash the gullible public into going clone like to the car show room to buy the latest eco-fascist fad.

The psychology of the Global Warming Gullibles

The basic difference between alarmists and sceptics is simple: alarmists desire to be socially acceptable. As such they go along with ideas like Global Warming they feel are “socially acceptable” and therefore they almost certainly buy clothes that are socially acceptable or “fashionable”. They are the quintessential gullible mass-market consumer who has wardrobes filled with unnecessary clothes they’ll never wear again because it is “last year’s fashion”. (That’s why they feel so guilty – why they are obsessed with finding a purpose for all that garbage sitting in their wardrobe – why they need “recycling to salve their conscience for so gullibly buying the useless fashionable garbage in the first place)
In contrast, the sceptic is a very different type of creature. They do not crave social acceptance. They do not see the world through other people’s eyes instead they see them through their own and as such they crave real information not other people’s views.
So, if an alarmist is told that the world is warming … they are extremely likely to believe that if they think the person is someone “credible” for that kind of “fashion” (which is really what global warming is to them). And like a fashion, it will be discarded as an idea when it become unfashionable … whereupon they will take up “that year’s fashionable idea”.
But for a sceptic, like our clothing, our ideas are almost permanent – unless or until we are compelled to throw them out. We are careful over how we choose and accept new ideas, that is because ideas are not part of this year’s fashion, but they are something we expect to adhere to for the rest of our lives. So, we take time to chose the best ideas and as our mental “wardrobe” has limited space, we are very choosy about which ideas fill up our mental wardrobe.
But most important, they are our ideas, they are what works for us best, not something we choose because other people like them or the ultimate sin: because they’re “fashionable”: aka another commercial money-making fad beingĀ  pushed by the BBC at the gullible public as the future “fashion” for society.

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2 Responses to Next year's fashionable colour is electric

  1. TinyCO2 says:

    There are a lot less sheep than the advertising agencies, fashion designers and climate crazies want. Sure, people often buy what’s fashionable but invariably because that’s all there is to buy. It doesn’t mean that they want to. M&S have failed dismally over the years to sucessfully jump onto the youth fashion market only to discover that their customers want quality and style, irrespective of throw away fashion trends. Only the young are inclined towards blind obedience to what’s in and they just won’t shop at M&S.
    The end of 3D TVs is a good example of hype failing to overcome a fundamental lack of desire. The technology buzz, can’t eradicate the fundamental flaws in the process and while there are always a few mugs who’ll splash out on a new gizmo, the pool of buyers is soon depleted. Microsoft and Apple have both had their time to shine but eventually both of them run out of truly radical ideas and people just won’t pay for new for newness sake. It involves a lot of work and money to keep stepping upward. I still prefer my Office 2000 to my 2007 version and I doubt I will be persuaded to buy a newer version, especially as microsoft are leaning towards 1 year rentals. Already much of my software comes from the small guys.
    People often stop following fashion as they grow up. They learn that the copy cats and the cheap versions are often almost as good or sometimes even better. They learn to judge the value of what they get. Sure, we all get suckered some of the time but essentially because we want to be suckered.
    Those who continue to be attracted to CAGW get something from that attraction and haven’t had to pay enough yet to counter the passing fad. The rest of society gets no goodies from the issue. It’s all bad news for us. Why suffer now to potentially protect somone else in the future? Religion has the same problem and now the threat of immediate punishment for non believers has lifted in western countries, belief is fading. Religion has a promise of post death reward, CAGW just promises more of the same punishment. A very unattractive fad.
    The ONLY hope for those who want action on CAGW in the long term is for them to prove their case properly. Hoping that the next celeb or politician will make much of a difference is silly.

  2. Scottish-Sceptic says:

    I think the only software I use which is micro$oft is the operating system – and that’s because it came with the lap top and I’m too stingy to change it.
    Also, I think there’s a bit of a generational thing. Not too long ago I was out collecting jumble for the Scouts (something they had not done in a while). And I began to notice a pattern. Older people in their 70s and 80s were horders. Over their lives they had gathered plenty of bits they didn’t use, but they still wanted to keep them. And the only time we got anything was when their kids were clearly out their house.
    We got the bulk of the contributions from Younger people in their 30s-50s who had bought things on the spur of the moment then much later (a decade?) had finally decided they’d never use it – but were looking for a good thing to do with it.
    And then finally came the “Ikea generation” – who had all thrown away everything before we arrived. And come to think about it, I saw a very similar profile for the number of sex partners. Old people valued their partners and had very few, and as you got younger, the number of partners went up dramatically.
    So, not only is the younger generation become more “throw away” with material goods, it is also gaining the same attitude with relationships. We might even start to hear comments like “this year’s husband is black”.
    And which generation is it that supports all this recycling and global warming carp! It’s the generations that are most throw away in their own life-style and social attitudes which are most obsessed with “Global Warming”.

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