When you discover an extra 400 pages …

Just tidying up my folders. I had one which I thought was for an “overflow” chapter with a few odds and ends. That folder was getting too large, so I moved the various bits to a third folder. Then I realised I had a fourth folder with another 400 pages … and for the same overflow chapter.

I’ve added it up and that’s 1300 pages in total of which half are in just one chapter . There is likely a couple hundred pages of duplication. So call it 1000 pages … or about 300,000 words.

NB. War and peace was 1,225 pages.

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Half of what I think is wrong

Like most people, I like to think that I’m right most of the time, not as bad as the morons who think they are right all the time, but I want to believe that I’m right most of the time.

But, the reality is that the longer I live, the more I realise I got things wrong. I don’t like to admit the, but for example, I didn’t spot the true appalling Totalitarian tyranny behind covid. It’s only afterwards that we see we were duped. Most people at that point would purge everything to hide that fact and thereby hide from themselves that they were wrong.

But, I want to get things right, and the only way to be right is to face the fact that we get things wrong and to admit it. So, I’m not hiding the fact I got covid wrong to start with.

So, I would start with say a 90% chance that I’m right all the time. Then reality begins to sink in and that starts falling 80%, 70%, and that is for someone who actually admits they get an awful lot wrong and so does attempt to change the way I do things to get better. But, the harder I try to be better at getting things right, the lower my own expectation of “what I got wrong below the waterline of the ice-berg”.

I look back at history and see how people in the past made massive mistakes, like the Celtic myth. I look today and see how people who believe they are “accurate” repeat the Celtic myth with absolutely no concern or regard to the real truth as outlined by Caesar.

And, the more areas I look at, the more I see the same behaviour. Clearly dishonest assertions repeated as if true.

The reality is that what I see as false, is only the tip of the iceberg, and so, I have to accept that an awful lot of what I believe is true, is almost certainly the same bogus codswallop. Continue reading

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The future for Israel … pretty grim

It has now become clear that Israel killed JFK and that Israel has pretty much been controlling US politics since. In other words, Israel is the US deep state … the state within the state.

It is also very clear, that during that period of Israeli control, the US debt has been increasing to unsustainable levels, presumably in order to send a massive dollop of US money regularly to Israel without the US public complaining.

The US is not the only country that has suffered massive rising debt, nor Israeli control/influence. Nor has the period since JFK been entirely bad. There was largely peace in Europe … unless you were a country the EU wanted to take over. There was growing prosperity … unless you count the debt per person and then it’s arguable whether we are any richer. However, the US let the deep state=Israel run its country into massive debt, and now even Musk, who is deeply embedded in the US deep state, can see that the situation is unsustainable.

More importantly, so can all those countries that used to accept the worthless bits of paper called US dollars for their goods. Sooner or later, the dollar will crash and anyone left holding the dollar will find they are next to worthless. And a bit like musical chairs, people are trying desperately to cosset their “own chair” whilst not letting on to others that the music will soon stop and that those without a chair are going to crash and burn. They need an excuse to ditch the dollar … and BRICS was that excuse … one eagerly accepted.

But, what does that mean for Israel, that has effectively been living off the US like a parasite since JFK? It means the parasite’s host is going to become extremely ill, and indeed, it may implode and break up, leaving the parasite without its host.

Since they killed JFK, Israel has been making itself the most hated country in the middle east. Basically the quintessential little hitler who goes around with the school bully. The mini Hitler cannot be touched … because they control the school bully.  But, take away the school bully and life looks extremely bad for the mini Hitler.

Of course, everything takes longer than we might imagine. But metaphorically I can already see the vultures circling over Israel.

The people of Jesus the Palestinian will return to their land and the European Jewish Zealots … will … who cares?

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Just before JRK assassinated he told Israel “Shut down your nuclear bomb factory or else”

The significant fact is that Kennedy was the president to demand that Israel not develop nuclear weapons. This is how the Jerusalem Post described Kennedy’s actions which are inconceivable given the power of the lobby today.

The clash began in 1960, when the outgoing Eisenhower administration sought an explanation for the mysterious construction near Dimona. It was told that this top-secret activity in the middle of the desert was a harmless textile plant, and no, it could not come and visit. Classified spy photos were then published on the front page of The New York Times (yes, the CIA spied on the Jewish state, with or without forged passports).

When president Kennedy took office in 1961, the disagreement became a full-blown crisis. Like Obama, Kennedy was not inherently hostile (unlike Jimmy Carter), but he did not have a special sympathy for the Jewish people. His advisers urged continuous pressure, assuming that Israel would have no choice but to accept US demands. Every high-level meeting or communication repeated the demand for inspection of Dimona. One form of pressure was to deny Ben-Gurion an invitation to the White House – his May 1961 meeting with Kennedy was a low-key affair at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, and was dominated by this issue.

In some ways, Israel was far weaker than is the case today. Before 1967, the IDF was not seen as a formidable power, and the economy depended on massive aid from Diaspora Jewry. If the US government were to impose tax restrictions, the costs would have been very high. Ben-Gurion avoided saying no by dancing around them for two years.

Finally, Kennedy had enough, and in a personal letter dated May 18, 1963, the president warned that unless American inspectors were allowed into Dimona (meaning the end of any military activities), Israel would find itself totally isolated.

Continue reading

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The boredom of searching for something I once wrote

I set off my computer to search … about half an hour ago and it is still searching.

So, I was about to make some comment about the latest US spam with Russian characters … when I noticed the other search (of documents not spreadsheets) had completed.

Found the code name for my next operation against the globalists: either хиба́ра or халупа .


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How big a moron is Starmer?

The best reading of Starmer’s action … although ascribing any thought to it at all seems dubious, but if Starmer’s brain is doing anything it seems to be trying to manufacture a conflict with Russia … a conflict, which all the numbers shows that Russia will win very decisively. Indeed, much the same as a horse swatting away a fly.

So, what is the point?

The EU and Starmer are actively working to attack Russia. Nobody on this planet with even the smallest brain, can imagine that those working so hard to kill Russians, could be part of a “peace keeping force” … it’s pathetic on the scale of a first year Student union bitch slap.

It is totally mad. Even if the attempt is to try to drag Trump into a war with Russia, I cannot see it working. It is so obvious to Trump that he should have totally absolutely completely … nothing at all to do with the insane rantings of the moron.

Should it worry Trump if Starmer did send this pointless expedition of no benefit to the UK whatsoever? Why should he? An independent country can be stupid. Trump will simply want to draw a very deep and wide blue water between the insanity of Starmer  and the US.

There is no reason at all for the US to get involved.

Starmer even needs US agreement to fire nuclear weapons (if they work at all). Trump will not give that agreement. Which leaves France as the only idiots who might fire on Russia … which if they did, contrary to Trump’s agreement, would mean the US would not fire on Russia if it retaliated in a proportionate & rational way against France.

(Sorry France … the rest of the world does not want nuclear Armageddon just to save you from your own stupid actions).


During the regime of Biden, I developed plans to cope with a nuclear war, because we were only one false move away from a path that inevitably led to nuclear war.

Do I need to resurrect this work? Even if I don’t think it likely, will enough other people start believing nuclear war is likely?

It is just so daft, that it is hard to take seriously. But, there are idiots out there (such as Starmer) and they might be persuaded to spend money on “prepping” for the end of the world.

The question is this: how much time would it take me to prepare something, and would there still be enough time to make money before it all flopped … and is that really want I want to do … make money from the entirely gullible? The answer is no.

So, is there even the remotest chance of a nuclear war now? On the one side, Macron and Starmer are evil and they would certainly have no qualms starting WWIII. But … let’s just say they wouldn’t last long. There is not a chance in hell of any leader involved in creating WWIII living very long. And, they will know it. They might not go to a court of law, but justice they will get. So, there is no amount of money that could entice them to that death sentence. Moreover, most of the world will be clapping on their demise. So, there is no chance of them finding some secret sanctuary somewhere.

And, it need not have anything to do with Russia. Enough people will hate them for what they did, that there will be people in every country on the globe willing to take a shot at them.

… they are just like children doing a tantrum … trying to get attention when absolutely none is deserved. It’s going to flop, and if I started doing anything now … it will be dead before I get anywhere.

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The joys of not having a weather forecast

One of the great benefits of boycotting all the legacy media and anyone else pushing the global warming crap, is that I don’t get a weather forecast. Not that they are any longer forecasts, instead they are yet another tool in the armoury of the global warming nuttters trying to manipulate people, as they did during covid, to stay indoors, not to travel, etc etc.

The fun thing, is waking up everyone morning and having no idea what the weather will be like when I open the curtains (although if it is windy, I obvious hear the wind, etc.).

But it is really a delight to see the weather … a little bit like having Christmas everyday … although there are far too many great aunt handkerchiefs and socks that were not wanted. However, even the rainy days play there part, for they make the glorious sunny mornings a true delight, an unexpected present brought to me by nature.

Yes, those who get told what weather the weathermen are going to give them tomorrow, learn to accept what they are given. They learn to do as they are told, to go out when the weather is “good” and to stay at home when it saves CO2 or promotes the covid hysteria. But, I don’t do that. Each morning, indeed, each afternoon, the weather is an unexpected gift.

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The climate BS is falling apart

I’m not a great fan of making comments when I know everyone agrees with me … what’s the point? There has to be something new to be said to make it worth my time. So, it is getting a bit worrying, that I haven’t felt the need to comment on the climate for several weeks.

How many times can I say “Yippee the climate madness is falling apart”?

Every story I’ve read lately is either of something going disastrously wrong for the nutters, or tittering on the edge of going disastrously wrong. There is no longer the great threats of the past. It’s just lame failures.

I see today, that the UK economy had negative growth … clearly the post covid Totalitarianism spending spree has come to an end, and now the real state of the Nut Zero destroyed economy is poking through. It seems safe to predict an official recession fairly soon.

No doubt the collapsing economy will be seized on by two tier Starmer as yet another reason to keep this hated PM in power … but the writing is on the wall for him as daily he creates more and more people who just want to see the back of him.

I never predicted that I might feel sorry to see the climate nuttery disappearing. But, I suppose, it was so easy to know I was right on the climate, because the people pushing the climate insanity were clearly and unequivocally real scum.

But  ….

I wonder what comes next?

Is the current insanity on climate going to be replaced with yet more insanity? If so, what? Will it be so clear cut? Will climate mutate … will we get get the global cooling scare?

The simple fact, is that whatever comes, will be what makes certain people money and they don’t give a damn about the morality. They just care that there are enough gullible people to fall for their media lies … and … I too can be gullible, just as covid showed.

But, I just can’t see anything else replacing the utter crass stupidity of the climate nutters who defied science, defied scepticism and defied economic common sense. They had nothing going for them … except $billions of government slush money and the tens of thousands of idiots that buys to push the scam.

Will I ever see another scam that was so easy to pick sides?

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The real goals of Russia

A casual observation of the Ukrainian conflict indicates that Russia was to enforce the clear “red line” it has over EU and Nato expansion (the two are basically the same aggression). So, that would indicate that if Russia can be persuaded that its western borders are free from further threat from Nato and the EU, that the war will come to an end.

However, is that really Russia’s goal? Because, for me it is quite clear that Putin’s intention is to realign world-view of Russia to exclude the EU and basically cut off the EU from Russia and prevent is malign influence in Russia. In doing that, Putin has a new global ambition … to do with diplomacy and morality, what the US deep state has been attempting to do with guns, violence and regime change … indeed, the US deep state’s horrific war crimes is what is enabling Putin’s global ambition.

I think Putin is looking for reasons not to have any dealings with the EU, and by that means to persuade his fellow Russians, that their future lies elsewhere than the outer western fringes of Eurasia.

To do that, Putin needs the EU to do something really stupid, and committing to an insane level of spending on arms, when the economies are already in sharp decline and their societies are falling apart, is just what Putin needs to trigger the western collapse.

Better still, the EU is one of the most appalling anti-democratic regimes on the planet and constantly meddling in the affairs of its neighbours (arguably worse than the US). So, what is it going to do with an army? There is no doubt it will start using it … first on the people still trapped in the EU, and then it will expand its war crimes abroad …causing the rest of the world to unite against the EU. The only country it will not attack is Russia, because it knows Russia will win. But the “bullyboy” attacks globally, will only further strengthen Russia’s position.

Putin, with his intelligence background, has seen the true horror of the EU oligarchs as  they attack every country, not just outside, but inside the EU. He knows what this monster will do when it steals other people’s money to get arms, and he knows that will either lead to the downfall of the EU in a massive “civil war”, or it will lead to the rest of the world joining Russia to fight the EU (and win) … because the only way for the EU to win against Russia, is to get rid of the EU oligarchs and then totally restructure society and culture … which would create an EU that could win against Russia, but it would have no desire to go to war with Russia as well.

But whether civil war, or EU WWIII, either way the EU war mongers do not scare Putin. Indeed, they are just what Putin needs to change the whole global sphere “for the good” … and coincidentally lead to a system where Russia is in a very advantageous situation.

The problem for the EU Oligarchs

The EU oligarchs are power crazed individuals who will not tolerate any opposition …  which is duly squashed by all the (other people’s money) they have at their disposal. They are ruthless … funding numerous groups to push their EU agenda, using the “law”, press, and no doubt criminal activities as well, to ensure any opposition to their further expansion is destroyed. And, they are obsessive about it … to the extent that if any opposition does stand up to them, they cannot tolerate it at all. Hence their obsession with Russia … it just cannot happen!!!!!!!

It’s a mental condition … they cannot tolerate opposition to them … particularly when it is winning. And, Putin knows it, and no doubt he is using that to destroy them.

Which is very good for us in the UK, because the EU is also a huge threat to us.

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2million year old find in Britain

I think I’ve found an artefact that is around 2million years old, hear in Britain. So, what do I need to do? Absolutely nothing! Because I’m the only one who recognises that it might be an artefact.

Isn’t that odd! The artefact doesn’t change, the age of the artefact remains the same, but because people do not recognise it as an artefact, that is what changes everything.

But, when you come to think of it, in any bag of sand, from most rivers, there will be many pieces that used to be part of something made by humans. Some of those could be the oldest pieces of man made material in Britain. Yet, they are just bits of debris that people throw away, because they do not recognise them for what they are.

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