Most Useful links when explaining the science to pig-headed alarmists
For the last month or so, I’ve started keeping a note of articles that I link to when engaging with Natural Climate Deniers – it’s now a sizeable list which may help anyone else looking for suitable responses to the idiot questions we sceptics get asked.
The pause is real
Tampering of temperature
- NOAA/NASA Dramatically Altered US Temperatures After The Year 2000 | Real Science
- NASA Is Constantly Cooling The Past And Warming The Present | Real Science
- NOAA’s Fabricated “Record Temperatures” | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT
- Both NOAA and GISS Have Switched to NOAA’s Overcooked “Pause-Busting” Sea Surface Temperature Data for Their Global Temperature Products | Watts Up With That?
- On the Pause in Global Sea Ice Anomalies | Watts Up With That?
- Global Temperature Page | Watts Up With That?
- “Massively Altered” …German Professor Examines NASA GISS Temperature Datasets
- The Pause draws blood – A new record Pause length: no warming for 18 years 7 months | Watts Up With That?
- Record Crushing Fraud From NOAA And NASA Ahead Of Paris | Real Science
- Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum | NASA
Tampering of Stations/regions
- Massive Tampering With South African Temperatures | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT
- NASA’s Arctic Fudge Factory: “More Than Half” Of Claimed Arctic Warming Stems From “Data Adjustments”
- View NCDC/CRU station adjustments
- Two-thirds of Australias warming due to “adjustments” — according to 84 historic stations
- Temperature Adjustments Transform Arctic Climate History
- Massive Temperature Adjustments At Luling, Texas
- NASA Iceland Fraud
UAH shows the pause
Ice & Snow are fine
Snow is not a thing of the past
Antarctic ice is growing
- Ooops! New NASA study: Antarctica isn’t losing ice mass after all ! | Watts Up With That?
- NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA
- GLOBAL WARMING? NASA says Antarctic has been COOLING for past SIX years | Science | News | Daily Express
Global Sea ice
- Another Milestone Of Failure By Climate Experts | Real Science
- Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum | NASA
Greenland surface ice growing since 1990
CO2 is a plant food
- Deserts ‘greening’ from rising CO2 | Watts Up With That?
- Greening of earth
- Photos: World record wheat yield harvest – Farmers Weekly
- Bumper global harvest means that markets will remain flat into 2016 –
- Carbon Dioxide Fertilizes plants and increases plant growth Earths Biosphere is Booming. Source link.
- Hundreds of papers show how plant life on Earth loves CO2.
- Doubling CO2 may increase crop yields by 33%. Kimball.
- Trees grow faster. Paper in Nature.
- Farmers use CO2 to increase crop growth here.
- Greening of Planet Earth Video.
- If CO2 caused a little global warming it would be a good thing. Evidence suggests global warming is good for our health
Polar Bears are doing fine
- Petition Congress to Investigate USGS Polar Bear Research Methods | Watts Up With That?
- IUCN Red List says global polar bear population is 20,000 – 31,000 (26,500) | polarbearscience
No trends in severe weather
- “Extreme Weather” Page | Watts Up With That?
- Hurricanes and global warming: 10 years post Katrina | Climate Etc.
- The Weather Isn’t Getting Weirder
Sea level rise not accelerating
Raising fuel bills is immoral
20th century climate change is not abnormal
Warmists are gullible
- Lewandowsky: those believing in global warming are gullible. | Scottish Sceptic
- Science In 1941: ‘Global Warming Caused Hitler’ – Climate Dispatch
Wind farms are terrible
Fossil fuel is good
- Explore georeferenced maps – Map images – National Library of Scotland#(Note lack of woods shown in 1750 map of Scotland)
Dishonesty and Corruption of Climate alarmists
- Stern:Bishop Hill blog – The perils of being a mouthpiece
- Yeo: – Bishop Hill blog – Yeoful fail
- Jagdish Shukla: Uh, oh. Jagdish Shukla and the #RICO20 has captured the attention of Congress, and FOIA documents are coming out
- UEA: broke FOI Law
- Gleick: Heartland to release Gleick prosecution file
- NOAA subpoena: Congressman doubles down, accuses NOAA scientists of doctoring results
- Mann: Michael Mann caught telling a ‘porky’ to the court (again) in legal filings
- +
- A biologist who claimed that polar bears were drowning because of melting ice has been suspended and is being investigated for scientific misconduct. The details are hazy so here is a link with the other side (i.e. ignoring that misconduct in one area
- University of Cincinnati Cover Up Pro Fracking Study
- Edward Snowden: “Global Warming is an invention of the CIA”
The science supports us sceptics
- Global Warming for Dummies| Scottish Sceptic
- The Sceptic View (Rev. 0.5)
- Trenberth: “Given that global warming is “unequivocal”, to quote the 2007 IPCC report, the null hypothesis should now be reversed, thereby placing the burden of proof on showing that there is no human influence” [on the climate].
This crazy climate madness means we are heading for power cuts
Reducing Caustic nature of Sea water through CO2 is not a problem for corels
- Astonishing finding: coral reef thriving amid ‘ocean acidification’
- New paper debunks ‘ocean acidification’ scare, finds warming increases pH
Massive slosh fund for alarmists
No funding for Sceptics
Most CO2 is Natural
- Human emissions are dwarfed by total natural emissions
- Salby: Report: Lecture by Prof Salby 7th Nov 2013 “Climate: What we know and what we don’t”
CO2 correlation with Temperature

Feedback Loops are negative
- Richard Lindzen calculates the feedback from data (ppt).
- Richard Lindzen shows how outgoing radiation demonstrated negative feedback and a climate sensitivity of about 0.5 C with ERBE data. (Lindzen and Choi 2009).
- Positive Feedback: Have We Been Fooling Ourselves?
See also:
This is terrific! Thank you for this list, I have bookmarked it. 🙂