For a long time, looking at Bidem, I convinced myself that if only he could be replaced, all the injurstice and violence being created by the US globally would subside, and despite his rhetoric, clearly to the contrary, I hoped we might bring to justice those in Israel who have been ethnically cleansing the land of Jesus the Palestinian, of the people of Jesus.
It is that simple. The Israelis are almost all invaders into a land they took illegally. And, so any moral & Christian country would act to remove those invaders. Trump is not a Christian. Nor are most in the US … they are thugs clapping on the murder of the people of Jesus, just as their kind did at the time of Jesus.
The same is true of something like half the global countries that the US has attacked, either directly or “pretending to me someone else” … but it was still the US doing it.
Indeed, if we include economic and intelligence attacks, there cannot be a single country in the world (except Israel) who the US has not, and does not continue to attack. That is the reality. The US is the world’s bully boy.
There is no way on this earth, that such an immoral repugnant society should be given any control over any other country, and it simply is not fit to control any part of the internet.
The Reality
The simple reality, I have been avoiding, is that it wasn’t Bidem who was destroying freedom, prosperity and peace in the world, it is the US. Not the deep states, but the US as a culture which not just allowed the deep state, but more or less claps it on. The US, that didn’t so much allow its own rigged elections, but admired those who managed to rig them. Nor do they reject the likes of NASA for fabricating the global temperatures and using global warming as a weapon to destroy the EU, they positively love the way the lies from NASA are taken up by their enemies in the EU and how that is causing mayhem in Europe … leading guess who to have no one to stop its global bullying.
That is the reality of the US … a truly repugnant society, where presidents get assassinated, and their only concern, is how much money they can make from the movie. A society, where lies by government bodies … are just a way to know who to invest in. And where a society totally corrupted by deep state … is a minority topic on “extremist” … so called “conspiracy theory” sites. And a society, where the blatant murder of the people of their prophet (Jesus) is applauded.
There are societies where paedophilia is accepted, where rape in marriage is permitted, etc. But there is no society like the US, where they fund people to deliberately do all these, and their only concern is the money they make from it.
The US influence in the UK
Starmer is the most obnoxious person who has ever managed to gain the keys of No.10. There is no way on earth he should be allowed any place in public life. Yet, the ethics of the US have now come to the UK. That is how such an appalling man came to lord it over us. The same is true of the EU. The same total lack of concern for morals and the wishes of the ordinary people subject to the rule of an oligarchical few … is again, an import from the US. Woke … another important. The climate religion … another import.
Has anything good ever come out of the US?
The truth is, there was no hope at all of a return to morality under Bidem, so I had to just the fact that evil was winning, but then I had hoped for change under Trump.
But, instead, he wants to ethnically cleanse the land of Jesus of the people of Jesus, and achieve what he forbears wanted to do in the Roman era. 2000 years … and that is what we have come to? The US, in name only, a “Christian” state. In name only a follower of Jesus and his teaching.
They say that at the heart of all wars is religion … but the truth is that at the heart of all modern wars has been one country, that in no way at all follows the religion that it claims to follow.