What is the likelihood of Nuclear War now?

Under Bidem and the Corruption of USAID, we were close to Nuclear war many times. In other words, another stupid move by Bidem-deepstateĀ  and incompetence and lies of the west created a slippery slope which would have taken us into an escalating series of tit for tat moves down which the world would have slid with only nuclear war at the bottom. The world was only saved from this entering this slide to Nuclear war because of the quality of leadership in Russia.

That particular threat (Bidem) has gone, the US deep state has had some of a its feathers trimmed (but by no means all). But, whilst we might not be walking along the cliff edge as we did during Bidem’s tyranny, where any one small mismovement would have put us on a path to global nuclear war, that does not mean the threat has gone.

Trump may be nearly as good a leader as Putin … indeed, if he wasn’t so easily led by the Israeli lobby, I might be prepared to consider the possibility he is better. But Bidem, the deep state and the Israeli lobby have taken the world to the cliff edge of nuclear war, and it is now very difficult for either Putin or Trump to step back … especially as Israel’s land grab has and is pushing the world closer and closer to WWIII and nuclear conflict.

So, whilst the immediate threat has massively reduced, the fact is, the evil and corruption of the last years may have set the world onto a course where nuclear war is inevitable. But, at least we will see a build up manoeuvring that gives us time to prepare … not a sudden lied-about “mistake” of a corrupt and incompetent leader “leading” almost immediately to global death …. before most of the public had even the faintest idea that they were being lied to about what was happening (the situation under Bidem).

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