The Manyconomy

I was envisaging the complexity of economic constraints, as some change from virtuous to vicious cycle. A constraint is something like Energy .. or people & diversity of ideas, without which the economy cannot grow.

Enerconics is a way to describe an economy measured by energy where energy takes a similar role to money in “economics”. Many rules are the same, but the one key rule is that energy cannot be created … it is a flow subject to the laws of physics … not the rate at which money can be created.

So, if there are many virtuous and vicious cycles, when these constrain the economy, they can behave like energy when it constrains the economy. As such we might have “Gallium-economics” for an economic model where Gallium (as an example) is a constraint on economic output (not growth … constraints also lead to shrinkage).

So, I wanted a way to describe an economy where there are many small things that can and do constrain it. Hence “Many-conomy”. Where the small things matter and money does not.

Which, then made me wonder … but humans are also a constraint, so shouldn’t I also have “maneconomy?” And, then I realised, that one of the key economic constraints is diversity of ideas.

Today, the Totalitarianism of Google is creating a brainwashed generation with no ideas of their own. You listen to one google brainwashee … you’ve heard all the ideas of all google brainwashees. There is no reason to talk to more than one … they are boring. Which made me realise, that we are already in a vicious cycle of decline intellectually. We might have more access than any previous generation to information … but there is now a total clampdown on thinking. It is now a severe constraint … which is bound to lead to economic stagnation.

Google is not just the dinosaur … it is the meteor that ended the dinosaurs as well. Which presumably means that the economies of the future will be those that google cannot reach.

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