Free speech, the safety valve of revolution

Revolutions occur when those who control society do not respond to the concerns of the people in those societies, and those people decide that there is no other way to have their concerns addressed than to support revolution.

Free speech, something now so hated by the likes of Stärmer, is in fact essential for the likes of Stärmer, because unless he and his totalitarian fascists can hear what ordinary people are thinking, he will have no idea of what the ordinary people are thinking and therefore resentment and discontent will rise until there is revolution.

Of course, on the way, we are likely to get mass murders as occurred in Nazi Germany, Stalin’s USSR, Mao’s China, Pol Pot, etc., because as free speech is ended, both the governed and governing start embracing the extreme ideas. The governed murdering the masses and the masses finally realising they are on the road to be murdered eventually condoning or facilitating the murdering the government.

All Stärmer is now doing, is blocking the pressure release valve of society and, whilst that might give the appearance of quietening the pressure cooker, any engineer knows what is really going on.

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