How Russia will react to France sending Troops
This is how I think Russia are going to react to the French sending solders officially, rather than unofficially (many the French government have sent have already been killed fighting Russia).
Russia isn’t going to change its rules of engagement by even one comma as a result of this French insanity. If they are actively participating in the attack on what is now Russian soil, they are legitimate targets. The fact they are official French troops won’t change anything.
If France then triggers article five, as far as Russia is concerned the west don’t respect rules or agreements, so they are no more likely to respect article 5 than the Minsk agreement. But, if other countries want to be led by France into a full blown nuclear war… whatever article 5 says … that is their choice. It was going to happen sooner or later.
That is why Russia has drawn a red line about Nato expansion. Nato either has to respect that red line or try their hand at WWIII and likely nuclear war.
As far as the Russians are concerned, if it comes to Nuclear war … it was going to happen, and they may as well do it now when they have been preparing for it for decades under Putin than do it later when the West has had time to catch up.
Some people imagine that this war is about Ukraine. It isn’t. It’s much more complex than that. Russia has an alternative view of the world which is not one where every country is run & controlled by US globalists (those owning the media and google and big corps).
So, the US globalists want regime change in Russia, as they’ve done any other place that puts up resistance to being controlled by US globalists, and they saw the way to do that was a war in Ukraine. That would also block off Russia from the black sea, make it effectively landlocked on its southern border and prevent it supplying arms and support to the middle eastern countries being attacked by Ishrael.
Russia doesn’t have the best of records in Ukraine, and this enabled the US/CIA/Globalists to stoke up hatred of Russia through a network of neo-nasi groups in the country. They also regime changed by sending in snipers to kill both police and protestors and get their man(?) Zelensky installed as a pro-US-Globalist puppet.
The intention was for Zelensky to so repress & abuse the Russian speaking minority in Ukraine as to provoke Russia into a war, which was not intended to be “won” as such, but merely to allow the globalists to sanction Russian and destroy the economy, bring down Putin and then get their man in Russia … whereupon Russia would be carved up, US media would control the Russian media … the Russian elections would be rigged by their control over the Russian media, and Russia would become another poodle in the Globalist Harem.
But Putin, as a KGB officer, understood what the western globalists were up to. And, rather than falling for their bait, he waited his time whilst preparing for a long drawn out war leading potentially to WWIII. And, when Putin had undermined the western economies by “helping” Nut Zero and other similar strategies undermining our ability to fight, he chose the opportune time to trigger the war in Ukraine, in a way that played to the Russian strengths and made the west look stupid.
The west now has no way out, but either to give into Putin, or to escalate to WWIII … something that Putin has prepared for, and so probably thinks he can win.
In the meantime, the US debt is skyrocketing, along with other countries, and Putin is getting countries to ditch the US dollar which will very seriously damage the US economy and along with it, all western economies.
And, if the west were to trigger WWIII … that would inevitably cause a run on the dollar and trigger a very sudden and very deep economic collapse which would mean Putin would likely win without firing a single missile.
But why did the French go nuts?
France is particularly miffed with Russia at the moment, because having pushed the (Russian inspired) Nut Zero policy on the assumption that it would get huge advantage due to its use nuclear from Uranium mined in its former colony Niger … Russia has “inspired” a coop in that country cutting off France from its essential nuclear supplies. As a result the French zeal for the (Russian inspired) Nut Zero, means France isn’t going to have cheap nuclear power, but instead is going to commit eco-economic suicide like the rest of the EU & UK.
Putin has played a blinder of a game manipulating the west into a situation where it either has to opt for a humiliating climb down which may well tear the EU and Nato apart, or it goes ahead with WWIII, which will very speedily trigger the economic collapse of the west.
There’s a reason for them all being crazy … there’s no way out for them that preserves their credibility and maintains their positions.
It looks like Game Set and Match to Putin.