BBC is an offensive lying bully

Over breakfast heard that the life scientific were covering the effect of the sun on the atmosphere. Given that there had been a move toward real science in the BBC, I was hoping for a … perhaps not entirely level playing field assessment of the science, but at least covering all the basis – so an interesting program to listen to whilst I did some work.
Instead, within a few seconds out came the intentional offence of climate change “denier”.
How many times do we sceptics have to point out that we do not deny climate change nor do we deny the 1C warming expected from doubling CO2. We just deny that the idiots in the IPCC have any basis for all their daft claims like “up to 6C rise in temperature” (when the science says the greenhouse effect of doubling CO2 will only caused 1C) 60m rise in sea level increased tornadoes, doomsday, paranoia, and other BBC propaganda non-science.
As for climate change … of course the climate changes … that is what we saw in the 20th century. Overwhelmingly normal, natural non-man-made climate change which it is daft to deny … and the people denying it are the idiots like the prat presenting life-scientific.
No wonder the BBC are going down the drain. No wonder the UK economy is failing if our public service broadcaster is just a propaganda voice for non-science of politically inspired academia.
What was the headline news today? Badger culls. What was it a few days ago?Fracking. BBC news reporters who have no interest in the real economy going out to spread the gospel of fake-science to every idiot that still listens to their dross.

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5 Responses to BBC is an offensive lying bully

  1. neilfutureboy says:

    This paper from people at the World Bank and Harvard should be read by anybody who thinks the BBC semi-monopoly is unimportant and that it is pure coincidence that the UK is the slowest growing English speaking nation on the planet.
    “We examine the patterns of media ownership in 97 countries around the world. We find that almost universally the largest media firms are owned by the government or by private families. Government ownership is more pervasive in broadcasting than in the printed media. Government ownership of the media is generally associated with less press freedom, fewer political and economic rights, and, most conspicuously, inferior social outcomes in the areas of education and health. It does not appear that adverse consequences of government ownership of the media are restricted solely to the instances of government monopoly.”
    The BBC is one of the largest state media monopolies in the world and because they have a legal duty towards “balance” which they make no attempt to uphold, probably the most corrupt.

  2. Yes, it has been very noticeable that global warming paranoia has been predominant in all the “public service” sectors of academia, the civil service and the BBC.

  3. BBC is same at the Australian ABC – ”Lefty’s Trumpets”

  4. i agree laregly with what u are saying. Cyclical climate change has always been evident. The mini ice age is a great example of massive climate change in the northern hemisphere at a time when there is no way it was caused by humans. If such drastic climate changes were possible way back then, then surely its more than possible now. Of course we should continue to treat the earth we live on with respect but man made climate change, i believe, only contributes a very small precentage in the grand scheme of things. They should look to the sun – thats where most answers lie – directly and indirectly the sun rules our planet

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