November Fire Works

I’d heard on the Grapevine that the International Panel of Climate Clowns was about to write it’s obituary in the form of a report on extreme climate events.
So, I had a look to see when that was due and apparently there is a report on extreme events due for publication around 14-17 November (or whenever a handy bit of world news is available to “bury the bad news”)
This is going to be a goldmine for sceptics – and I don’t just mean the comedy angle. Obviously we can expect the same WWF type contributions stating that the lesser spotted goat toad of Inner Afgrecostan which is has an invaluable contribution to world economy (by keeping ecologists in a job) is nearing extinction (especially after one of said ecologists ran over the last one in their gaz guzzling monster truck). But there’s going to be next to no real science in it. It will of course give the headline: “global warming is/will lead to higher costs … worse than thought”. We will be told how all the weather disasters are miraculously causing so much more damage … and not that there aren’t more of them, just more people are living where they get caught and they have more property and so more loss.
We will no doubt be presented with a long list of recent extreme weather events which … after much deliberation … they have concluded that no one can prove wasn’t due to climate … to give the impression that there is more extreme weather.
We’ll get paper after paper predicting that there will be more extreme climates, and not one mention of all the papers that have predicted increasing extremes and fallen flat on their face.
We may even get some claimed trends … that ever since they started measuring in inner Afgrecostan (last Tuesday), they have discovered that they are getting more: pseudo-semi-spherical cycloids of Anthropengenicismalically induced Globalistically elevated thermistic derived hydrogen Dioxide (aka it started to rain). …. short term trends which they cherry pick.
But long term … the outlook is extremely bleak … not for the climate, there’s no trends that I’ve seen on extremes of climate which can be pinned on “global warming” … bleak for the IPCC and the warmists.
But … no doubt 18days later after the comic work gets 56,000 downloads and they realise it is a godsend for sceptics, we’ll get the “rebuttal” paper proving conclusively that the the pseudo-semi-spherical cycloids of Anthropengenicismalically induced Globalistically elevated thermistic derived hydrogen Dioxide which is causing theĀ  extinction of the lesser spotted goat toad of Inner Afgrecostan … was all the work of aliens.

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