Does the global warming bandwagon have a handbrake?

When you are travelling along a motorway, most people don’t stop to worry whether their handbrake is working … why would they. Similarly, when the global warming bandwagon was rolling merryly along, why would they consider what would happen when it went into reverse? When all the world is listening, how can you envisage turning from the darling of the media into its demon?
But there’s a reason cars have a handbrake. If e.g. you are travelling up hill, and your forward progress is stopped, e.g. you stall, so the car has a handbrake to stop it going backward, because the motor that drives you forward is not going to stop you careering backwards downhill if the forward momentum stops and you start going backwards.
For obvious reasons given recent events, I was just wondering what is going to happen when the forward momentum of the global warming bandwagon stops and the force of common sense starts driving it back down the hill; does it have a handbrake?
In Scotland all the political parties – even the Tories – bought into the global warming nonsense. That’s fine when every other party supports the scam, but what happens when the first party breaks rank and comes out against it? The electorate are not going to remember the second party to admit it is a scam: and any party that continues to hang onto the bandwagon when others decide to switch is going to become the sacrificial goat onto which all the other parties hang the blame. There’s every chance of just as much rush to get off the bandwagon when it stops as there was when it was the global warming vote-winning gravy train.
There is no doubt that amongst the English speaking nations, Scotland is loony tune central for eco-nutter politicians. But as they say: easy come easy go, and the lack of any substantial basis for the pro-policy may make them all the more vulnerable when the scam falls apart … because they were so eager, they are the most exposed of all politicians, they have gone out on a limb to prove just how green gullible they are. Perhaps the embarrassment and shame they bring Scotland for their ill judged behaviour will mean that they will be all the more willing to move the other way, all the quicker to turn against the scam?
I thought the trigger for that fall would be the IPCC report next year: If you haven’t got any “favourable” trends in extreme weather events, no matter how much WWF “greenwash” reports are cobbled together, the fact remains the same … there is no evidence of increasing extreme events. But could the growing anger of the public who in Scotland have been the most lied to of any, and from whom the politicians seek to steel the highest penalty for our carbon “sins”, could it be that the very overwhelming public mood that supported the global warming bandwagon, could be the lynch mob that strings it up? As they say: there’s nothing like a woman scorned. And there is no doubt that the public trust in our political elite has been wholly abused as politician after politician fought to be the “greenest” … and I do mean green as in totally naive.
Will the bandwagon just stop, and slowly go into reverse allowing the passengers to step down with their dignity, or … will it begin rolling more and more rapidly backwards flinging the passengers off in all directions with no dignity at all, till all that is left is those for whom there is no way off the bandwagon as it comes to an almighty crash at the bottom of the hill?
Interesting times are ahead!

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