Category Archives: Funding Imbalance

Parking global warming

It is said, that if you navigate a super-tanker, that you need to think miles ahead because of the time it takes the super-tanker to respond. Likewise, government is a bit dim-witted and ideas tend to get absorbed more in … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Climate, Funding Imbalance, General, greenblob, Politics, science | 5 Comments

Scotsman: Mike Haseler: No place for name-calling in debate

In The Scotsman A recent survey of those participating in online forums showed that most of the 5,000 respondents were experienced engineers, scientists and IT professionals, most degree-qualified and around a third with post-graduate qualifications. The survey, carried out by … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Climate, Funding Imbalance, History, Sceptics, Survey | 17 Comments

Climate scientists are Nazi Paedophiles?

If I had actually said “Climate scientists are Nazi Paedophiles” how long would it be before the BBC and the whole warmist chatterarti of academia would be condemning me? So, why do government ministers and BBC broadcasters feel they can … Continue reading

Posted in Fails, Funding Imbalance, Goat Toads, greenblob, Humour, Media, My Best Articles, Politics, Sceptics | 11 Comments

How the mighty have fallen

I can remember when I was a supporter of global warming thinking: “you have to cut some slack for thoseĀ  putting the case for global warming … because they don’t have the resources of the other side”. Of course I … Continue reading

Posted in Climate, Funding Imbalance | 3 Comments