Conspiracy: the satellites are in the pay of big oil!

Trying to understand climate extremists, is a bit like dredging a cess pit – most of what’s there is complete crap, but occasionally, and the bottom of the crap, we find something important that was flushed down the loo.
After 18 years without warming as shown by the satellites and so many credible claims of falsifying the temperature record, I just take it for granted that the “human adjusted” temperature records are crap. And after so many years engaging with the moronic climate extremists, I’ve learnt that everything they disagree with is a conspiracy (because they gullibly accept crap from some “authority” – they just assume that everyone is just as gullible and therefore everyone disagreeing with them, hasn’t looked at the evidence and formed their own views, but must have been spoon-fed their ideas by some “conspiracy”.
And so, I’ve finally worked out how they can look at the satellites and reconcile the total lack of warming in the last 18 years, without their own religious belief in “human warming”.
… it’s that there’s a conspiracy by the satellites!
Human adjusted
Where is human adjusted warming coming from?

  • From countries who stand to profit from “global warming” – from handouts.
  • From academics & those like NASA NOAA who profit from “global warming” from “grants”
  • Urban heating – often “adjusted out” not by decreasing the present temperature but by arguing that because it gets warmer in cities – they should just lend a helping hand and make it even warmer.
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4 Responses to Conspiracy: the satellites are in the pay of big oil!

  1. oldbrew says:

    Q. Apart from an El Nino blip in about 1998, what do we see on the satellite temperature record since the 1990s?
    A. Very little worth talking about.

  2. Peter Yates says:

    Quote: “I’ve learnt that everything they disagree with is a conspiracy (because they gullibly accept crap from some “authority” – they just assume that everyone is just as gullible and therefore everyone disagreeing with them, hasn’t looked at the evidence and formed their own views, but must have been spoon-fed their ideas by some “conspiracy”.”
    – – – – – – – –
    I am a world-wide authority in the new science of ‘Very Large Pothole Events’. I am not officially qualified in this new science because, as yet, no universities offer degree courses for it. However, I did gain a Master’s degree in Zoology, and I have written two papers about these curious events that were ‘peer’ reviewed by Siberian pothole experts.
    I have discovered that a huge, very deep hole five miles across is going to appear in the South Island of New Zealand on May 30 next year. The May 30 date is also when the ancient Martian calendar ends one cycle and starts another. I suggest that the Martians must have predicted this event in their calendar. The New Zealand government must begin evacuations from the South Island as soon as possible because I am 97% certain that the Very Large Pothole Event will be closely followed by other Large Pothole Events, possibly under large towns and cities. The output of my many computer models closely verify this prediction.
    – – – – – – – –
    Since I haven’t said how or why any of that is possible I hope you won’t just assume that I am correct. Most people need some proof, or empirical evidence, that backs up these wild claims. Otherwise, I could say something like: “I’ve found a new species of apple tree that has the apples falling upwards!” and everybody would believe me without question.
    The take-home-lesson is: *Just saying it doesn’t make it true*, especially if the ‘authority’ or doomsayer is likely to make a profit (or gain something) out of the doom saying.

  3. Scottish-Sceptic says:

    There’s clearly something that links their constant appeals to authority and their stock answer to anyone who questions them as being “conspiracy theorists”.
    Not having a mind that works that way, I can’t yet see the connection (I have the same feeling watching our chickens trying to find the door to their house – because they find it difficult to comprehend why they can’t just go through the chicken wire).

  4. oldbrew says:

    ‘There’s clearly something that links their constant appeals to authority and their stock answer to anyone who questions them as being “conspiracy theorists”.’
    Something like lack of a credible theory and lack of credible facts to support it?

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