Unanswered questions

A while back when researching what Stonehenge might have been used for, I wanted to know “how often can a sunrise be seen from a location like Stonehenge”. Given how many people have commented on Stonehenge and it’s alignment to the Sunrise/set, I assumed that there would be plenty of data on sunrises/sets, and I could easily get, or at least estimate the chances of seeing a sunrise/set. But, apparently there was absolutely no research, nor even a definition of “seeing a sunrise” that I could use.

Given that People have been viewing sunrises and sunset since the dawn of the human line, it seemed a shortcoming. But, perhaps no one had thought to record it.

Today, I found another unanswered question. What is the average or most frequent note of music, or if you prefer western music, or even a subset of western music. It seemed a fairly easy question. There are numerous music scores available, and all one need do, is to count the notes and get a statistical spread and come up with the result. It could possibly be done as a School Kid’s project. Yet, no one has done it and no one knows the answer.

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