What comes after Woke

The climate scam is falling apart, the woke scam is falling apart, the Russian hatred is falling apart, the US military-industrial empire is falling apart.

What comes next?

We’ve now got to the stage, where there are many many people who are sceptical and who know more about the current climate than I do. Good for them. But, I’m not doing much good just being another voice in the growing chorus against the climate madness. The sake of woke, the same of Russian hatred, and … well the US committed suicide, and it’s hard to have any sympathy given the number of people they have killed and lives destroyed.

But what comes next?

There is no doubt there will be a swing back from the insanity of delusional classes (Former “political elite”). You cannot become like a dribbling delusional madman, and not pull back. But I doubt it will be a full sweeping of all things environmental etc. Is it possible we get a new form of “traditional puritism”, where all things modern are rejected and we return to ideas of traditional roles in society … albeit updated?

Will there be a movement against the evil global carteliers like Google-You-Censor and Fascist book? Or will Google-you-Censor who googled and brainwashed the world, become a woke turncoat and lead the revolt against woke?

Woke, has not exactly been a success. It hasn’t helped the poor, and it hasn’t helped the rich, it has only really been the pet project of a few ultra rich who couldn’t care if they earn money or not. It doesn’t have long term prospects … it will be ditched.

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