I saw a video the other day in which Trump tells a story of Clinton bumping into Trump and saying pardon me:
There’s an email somewhere where Clinton says something to the effect “we better beat Trump or all our heads are in the noose”. I think there is now very little doubt that if Clinton loses, there will be immediate investigations into her. At least one person has gone to jail for far lesser crimes regarding emails than she did. The Clinton foundation is one giant scheme to funnel public money for favours to the Clintons. Bill Clinton has four charges of rape his has to answer (but only obviously if the president is Trump … because Clinton can effectively control any investigation and veto any prosecution).
There are also allegations of executions by the Clintons or those closely associated with them. We’ve already seen the head of Clinton Foundation heading for Russia for asylum. Whether that is because he sees the writing on the wall for the Clinton administration and wants to avoid being prosecuted, or he knows his life will be terminated because he knows too much … or both, I can’t say.
The internet is now boiling with anti-Hillary anger and unless vast numbers of the US voters have no access to the internet, I cannot see Hillary winning.
Why then, if we listen to the likes of the BBC in the UK, do we get the impression of a normal campaign, with no allegations of criminality by Hillary and the impression she is going to win by a landslide? The answer is simple: the “Mainstream” US press are as corrupt as the Clintons. Yesterday I saw a video showing a press conference in which the Clinton minder handed out questions to the journalists – they asked them – then when someone asked an unscripted question the press conference ended.
Is this new?
(From my years monitoring climate coverage I’d say) US politics and mainstream media are about as corrupt as its possible to be. What intrigues me is the question of whether this is a new phenomenon – that has recently been exposed – or is it an old phenomenon that has been going on for decades, even centuries, which is only now being exposed through the internet. I strongly suspect, given the corruption of the press, that this is just the established practice and procedure of US politics and that those involved have always known the system is corrupt. But they’ve also known that if they ever exposed the corrupt system, they would be out of work or their paper would be closed down.
So, no doubt the few honest ones look with envy at the freedom of the internet. Indeed, what may be driving the internet stories are insiders fed up with the corrupt system in which they live, finally using the freedom of the internet to vent their frustration.
… they all fall down
But as we know, it is not just the Clintons and those immediately surrounding them that are corrupt. We know NASA and NOAA have been above the law, able to fabricate temperature data to support the corrupt policy of the Whitehouse (driven by outside funders?). No doubt, after dealing with the Clintons & perhaps those like the FBI that sheltered their criminality, the next level of investigations will encompass NOAA and NASA.
I know NOAA and NASA are corrupt, but that is because I’ve spent over a decade carefully monitoring the crap they produce and I know that only a corrupt organisation could produce what they do. But how many other organs of government are there? How many of these have been similarly “upjusting” the figures to Whitehouse policy. If I’m anticipating a number of arrests in NOAA and NASA – how many other departments have similar corruption that will result in similar arrests? What I know will only be the tip of the ice-berg, and if that ice-berg is fully exposed, I know that even knowing there will be far more than I imagine, I am still going to be surprised.
Republicans and Democrats … the all fall down
A system doesn’t get this corrupt without tacit acquiescence from politicians. The media don’t act like a Big Brother propaganda machine – if they know in a few years time their corruption will be exposed by the next party. It therefore seems highly likely to me that this corruption in the US political system goes across all parties. In other words, there will be key people in all parties with their hands in the government kitty – taking money from outsiders to change policy to suit them – and just generally abusing the system to enrich themselves.
Indeed, it is not impossible that the level of corruption is greater in the Republicans. In Hillary Clinton falls, then Bill Clinton goes. If they go, Heads will roll at the FBI and others charged with investigating them who did not investigate them properly. The Clinton Foundation already looks to be going … but presumably all those who gave bribes to the Clintons will similarly face investigation. Then we have all the lower level officials like NASA NOAA and surely eventually the investigation will turn its light on the politicians.
I’m not suggesting all politicians are corrupt – but as the MPs expenses in the UK showed, some certainly are and there’s no distinction of party. So, if Clinton goes, there are many Republicans who will also be shaking in their boots.
And if Clinton wins
Soros will get a huge payout for helping the Clintons with his voting machines.
Trump will never see a US government contract – will have the full weight of every investigative agency levelled at him and will be generally hounded out of the US (to Scotland?? Argh!). The sycophantic press will be granted exclusive rights over any US news (what’s new?). There will be a green light to “upjusting” data of all kinds. Bribery and corruption will become endemic (what’s new).
But most importantly of all … the Clintons will try to destroy the internet freedom which nearly brought them and all the “ring a roses” down. Just as Google now gives prominence to any “official” source, so that e.g. articles on WUWT appear around page 30 of any search unless it specifically mentions WUWT, so this control over what we read and see will be rolled out by various means to all internet channels.
Fortunately, I think the internet is far more robust than they imagine – like wacky-mole – they’ll stamp down on one place, only to have internet freedom appear elsewhere – because the internet cannot be controlled like the press to be a mouthpiece of the Whitehouse. However … there are ways of massively corrupting what we read and Google is a prime example.
So this presidential race is far more important than just who governs the US. Because in a real sense it will determine what freedoms the whole world shares in the future. If Trump wins – the forces that want to repress internet freedoms will be too busy staying out of jail to plan more attacks on our freedom. But if Clinton wins ….. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.