Dear Thomas

I wrote this in response to “Dear Thomas: An Open Letter to My Son” in the union of Concerned “scientists”. It will no doubt be quickly removed:
Dear Thomas,
When my youngest was about your age, a paper called the Independent said that “Soon Children won’t know what snow is”. As a parent I felt guilty that my children wouldn’t know the joys of snow I had known. As a result I took so called “Global warming” seriously. But I was lied to. Because now my son is an adult – and throughout his childhood snow continued to fall. But worse, we were knowingly lied to and we continue to be lied to.
Indeed, there is no room for doubt on climate. The satellites show no warming for 18 years, that trend is corroborated by the independent measurements from meteorological balloon data. The overall lack of warming is also corroborated by the growing Antarctic ice, the growing Greenland surface ice and the lack of loss of global sea ice.
The only “outlier” is the surface data – which far from global, is plagued by issues like urban heating (because many sites were placed on the outskirts of large conurbations which have seen the most urban heating as towns and cities have spread). As a result we would expect significant cooling adjustments to have to be made to surface data. But NO! When people like NASA who make a great deal of money from environmental monitoring and the global warming scare, employ a 6x arrested eco-activist to “manufacture” the surface data measurement – we can understand why the surface data was never cooled to take account of urban heating, but instead was WARMED such that all the warming since
1940 is due to these adjustments.
Indeed, you might ask yourself the simple question – when NASA spends so much taxpayer money putting satellites into space to measure the temperature of the earth – why do they prefer a metric produced from temperature stations situated in parking lots?
But even if we were to accept the warming shown in the massively adjusted surface data – what is the effect?
Just like the “Children won’t know what snow is” report, you would never know it from the way it is reported, but there has been no increase in floods or droughts globally. There has not been an increase in storms, no significant increase or decrease in snow etc. indeed, if anything has changed it is that hurricane activity has decreased.
The only significant change has been a long term decline in glacial ice – easily explained as a result of coming out of the little ice-age (and the surface ice shows the current temperature trend) and an increase in CO2.
And what has been the impact of this so called “CO2 poison”? Study after study is now showing a greening of the earth,
we are seeing record crop yields. And all this is just as we climate sceptics predicted because farming INCREASE CO2 levels in greenhouses to boost plant growth.
But what about the 20th century warming? Isn’t that unusual? The answer is unequivocally no, if we look
at the best proxy for global temperature over the last 350 years a thermometer. This longest temperature series shows that the 20th century warming is far from abnormal. But here is another interesting thing. Despite having this 350 year temperature series which we know to be a very good indicator of global temperature, academics prefer to use “tree rings”. Now these tree ring “thermometers” are so appalling that they show 20th century cooling. But academics (who make a great deal of money by grants to study this “problem”) are very keen to use these trees rings because they can be used to “show” the 20th century is abnormal (if you hide the recent decline).
Indeed, this long temperature series shows far more than that the 20th century is far from abnormal. It also shows that 3 out of 4 of the major famines in the British isles were due to exceptionally cold years. This shows that cold is the real
killer. A fact born out by the huge increase in winter deaths (around 1million since this climate “global warming” scare started). The lancet medical journal reports 15x as many deaths from cold and heat globally.
So, there should be no doubt about climate. Cold is a killer, CO2 is the essential ingredient to all life on earth and we should welcome an increase. The 20th century warming is far from unusual and almost certainly (largely) natural and whilst CO2 levels are rising, it clearly is not having an impact greater than natural variation as there
is no credible evidence of current warming.
There is no doubt about climate – “global warming” is just one puffed up scam and I am ashamed as a scientists that I, and so many other well meaning people, were so gullible that we nearly destroyed out economy and countrysides when the evidence clearly did not support it and all because of the stupidity or selfishness of a large number of people many of whom make a living from pushing this scam.

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One Response to Dear Thomas

  1. Ron Clutz says:

    How about what young people are thinking for themselves?
    Here is an essay written by my teenage grandson after doing his own research:

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