Rising CO2 greening the planet (again)

The problem with the global warming news is that – finding out there is no cataclysmic event coming our way seldom if ever makes the news. And indeed, almost everything that gets into the newspapers these days is firstly in some eco-nutter newspaper like the Guardian or BBC that no one takes serious (except apparently gullible politicians), and it is invariably just a rehashing of something we’ve all heard before.
So, once I read the headline, I didn’t see much point reading about another study that shows the blindingly obvious fact that CO2 is good for life on earth:

Earth getting greener with rising carbon dioxide levels

However, apparently it is making waves today, which is why I’m blogging about something that is so patently obvious that …. well it is actually just “settled science”.
I particularly liked this comment from some frustration globalwarmingist:

At the time that we are being warned about the increasing risk of catastrophic cascading climate related disaster we are allowing this nonsense on Radio New Zealand website. Why?

The frustration that the evidence and science says the opposite of what they believe is very clear … so is their immediate reaction of banning the scientific evidence because it does not support them.
I doubt there are many more newsworthy STORIES that the eco-nutters can dream up. Now the only newsworthy stories are those that show the scam is scam.
Mother nature is winning and the climate nutters are slowly being dragged kicking and screaming off the stage.

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