Earlier this year, following a few colder years in Scotland I wrote: “What should define the start of the next ice-age?” to which I suggested “the first year in which ice remains continuously on the Scottish mountains.” I must have been more misled by the notorious UEA (of Climategate) lie that “Children won’t know what snow is” as I had assumed that permanent snow did not occur in Scotland. And I was partly right, because in 2003 & 2006 there was no permanent snow. But as the graph below shows, permanent snow is now increasing rapidly:
Which – should those predicting a catastrophic drop in solar activity leading to cold be right:
And if my own findings re the previous sudden & massive drop in global temperatures some 8-12,000 years after the interglacial starts (we are now 10,000 years in) is right, if as well the North Atlantic Oscillation is going to start causing cooling leading to additional cooling in the next 20 years then it may well be that 2006 was literally the beginning of the next “ice-age”.
Am I being serious?
I’d like to put in some massive caveat: “of course I don’t think it will happen”. However, we are now seeing things on the one-year, decadal, century and millennium that all indicate that (within those time bands) we have or will see cooling. I’d like to say the above video has blown the issue out of all proportion and moderate cooling may come, but now nearly as bad as they suggest. But most of all, I’d like to point to credible climate data from honest organisations – not ones from those acting fraudulently fabricating warming adjustments so that no one at all knows whether we are currently seeing cooling.
So seriously – I haven’t a clue what it means except it is another nail in the coffin of the “global warming” fraud, and hopefully when the dust is settled – when we finally have credible climate data we can trust – we might then know whether or not there’s anything at all to be concerned about.
I think you’re right that there won’t be another ‘ice age’ (not in our lifetime anyway) but a probable return to more normal cooler temperatures will expose the damage done to our energy supply systems by the global warmists insistence that CO2 is bad.
It is clear that all these indicators are leading us to cooling, not warming; but the extent is uncharted.
What is unclear is how the lying politicians and IPCC still believe they can hoodwink us. I support sustainability and the false drive to reduce CO2 from vehicles is happily driving us to using less finite fuel – oil and gas. This is good.
However the UK with 80% CO2 reduction by 2050 will either have to reverse the act or loose ALL manufacturing to India and China.
I remember snow remaining in the late summer on the Cairngorms and Ben Nevis in the early 1960s.
After the late very cold snap in 1963, I bought my first motorbike (a BSA C15) around the end of June, and I observed there was still snow under the northern side of the dry stone walls on the hills in the Yorkshire Dales right up to the middle of July.
This is typcial of denialist simplification & rhetoric. Yes, there was a lot of snow on the Eastern Cairngorms in 2015 and some patches persisted until the end of the summer (I was up there in September and saw them). This was mostly because of the unusually cold spring, i.e. more snowfall => more accumulation, and colder spring weather => less time for it to melt. More generally, global warming trends will lead to more preciptation, which in the Eastern Cairngorms is likely to fall as snow, leading to more accumulation that takes longer to disappear. On the western hills the picture is completely different however, with much more of this increased precipitation falling as rain (leading to less snow accumulation as well as helping to clear snow more rapidly). Also warmer summers will increase rate of melt in both west and east.
You don’t understand our humour do you!
So let me explain: the reason this article is so funny – is because I’m doing just what people like you do and making a lot of fuss out of one year’s result.
And what makes it even more interesting is that whilst everyone else who’s commented knows that one snowdrop doesn’t make spring – unlike you, we know that there is a significant chance of significant cooling … (unlike warming).
So, it is really gallows humour … because unfortunately, it might just be true.,