Global warming stories on the rise – why?

If anyone had read my previous posts on the number of google stories, you may know that I don’t exactly trust google. There was e.g. the way during climategate that the auto suggest feature failed to suggest climategate. Then there’s the way that if you search for “WUWT” the second rated story is one of WUWT closing down (a very old story which surely is strangely prominent, as is the other negative stories on WUWT if you search google?) Then there is the way that sceptical websites are consistently downgraded on the google listing. All in all, google have not exactly excelled at portraying themselves as being honest on this issue.
So, when I started posting on the google numbers of hits on global warming, I realised that simply highlighting this number may cause it to change if the google spin machine went into action again, so with that proviso, I don’t know how to take the recent edging upwards of the google newscount for global warming.
One thing google can’t change is the nature of these stories. The trend remains clearly toward scepticism. indeed, some days I’m surprised how hostile they are, and it is an effort to find any that support the scare. But other days it will be back to the “normal” journalists trying to wring blood out of the dry global warming scare story. What is notable, is that by and large, it is the majority of smaller regional papers that tend to be more hostile questioning and informative and the larger nationals that tend to the alarmist mentality of simply repeating the press releases of this or that organisation.
But whatever the reason, whether it is something to do with the “highest CO2 release ever” orĀ  Joplin tornado which did catch the eye of a few media, or whether it is some concerted effort to raise the profile, the figure has gone up from the high 5000s up to the low 7000s.
This is not just a statistical fluke, but a significant increase.

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3 Responses to Global warming stories on the rise – why?

  1. David Bailey says:

    I read a story the other day about how some celebrities with something to hide, pay a large sum of money to some consultants to fix it. Say there is a story going round that you have just had sex with someone who is not your wife, this firm will run software to open huge numbers of Facebook accounts and fill them with references to some of the more positive things you have done – so anyone using GOOGLE will be unlikely to see the bad stuff hidden on page 5, or lower!
    I wonder if the same trick is being used here.

  2. It’s not the first time someone tried to “hide the decline”!
    There’s no doubt that the warmists have an awful lot of money to fling at advertising on the internet and as you say, it’s quite easy to boost your statistics. But this doesn’t “feel” like that.
    On reflection, I suspect (being Scottish and used to wind), I’ve not appreciated the effect of the Joplin Tornedo on the public in the US which may have stirred up an ants nest of discussion. So, my guess is that this is a “post Joplin” peak.

  3. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s reiteration of his belief in the reality of AGW and the need to do something to reduce emissions is a bit of a blow to the sceptic camp though . . . the GOP has been a pillar of the Church of Denial for some time now.

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