I’m sitting listening to “It’ll be freezing this Christmas” by “Sir Starmer and the Granny harmers” who give us “foreign wars and open doors” whilst OAPs freeze at home.
It is now time that most vaccines should be suspended till a proper scientific enquiry (and I mean science … not a bunch of people in the pocket of Big Pharma) has validated any/some.
The only exception would be some very specific vaccines like Hepatitis B … and even those have to be validated as a priority and MASSIVE health warnings given to any considering them.
Within 24 hours of 2 year old vaccines our child developed 105 temp and went blank on us unresponsive to his name and out of it. Over the course of 10 days he lost all language, developed autistic traits like stimming, started having major tantrums, and stopped sleeping more than 4 hours a night.
It was the MMR vaccine that caused my son’s autism. He was vaccinated ‘on time’ according to the schedule in 1997. He is 28 now and nobody will admit the truth about him. My younger son had the separate vaccines as a young child. He has dyslexia. When he had the MMR booster at age 11 he collapsed in the doctor’s waiting room and was taken to hospital by ambulance. Neither of them has ever had any further MMR vaccines, and the elder one has had NO further vaccines of any kind since that day in 1997, a day i will regret for the rest of my life.
I am second generation “Aspie.” Even my doctor couldn’t see it with my masking at age 50+. I didn’t know until my doctor diagnosed my Dad twenty years ago at which point I suspected and tested myself. It was 45 years ago when my son, who I suspect to be ASD (and ADHD) as well, suddenly couldn’t speak well. I couldn’t make the connection at that time, and can only suspect it now, without estimating, for he had had a vaccine prior to onset. However, Dad was born in 1919.
Final vax was a flu shot 365 days after onset, before we realised what was happening.
Despite the links between aluminum adjuvants and autism, my daughters autism diagnosis cannot be associated with vaccines as she was not vaccinated at all.
My son threw up the oral polio at the office after, and they dosed him again, just to be sure. Look at the rise of autism in the UK ten years after introduction graphed next to the the same schedule and manufacturer (Merck) in the US ten years earlier. They lay over each other perfectly. 😡. I have before and after vaccine video, and photos of laxity in his facial muscles, and his wrists curled up immediately after. Called the peds office. Said it was normal so they never reported to VAERS. Turns out it caused Aphasia. Probably lots of misdiagnosis of autism for aphasia because of lack of speech. Still, a brain injury from the vaccines.
Second child has also been affected but came on differently. First child a boy, second child a girl. The boy was very sensitive to sounds (singing), speech development stopped, child because very sensitive to change in environment. The child missed a set of vaccinations so the doctor doubled up and daughter feels the aluminum in the vaccines may be to blame. The double up on vaccines happened at about 10 months old.
“My son was very high functioning before his MMR vaccine in Tennessee on February 17th 1993 and was ahead in all his milestones. At 6 months of age he got his first vaccine (DPT) which caused a very high fever and high pitched screaming for 2 days and it took him six weeks to recover from this so he never got another DPT vaccine again. Three days after his one and only MMR vaccine at 17 months of age he broke out in a mild fever and measles rash but was still happy as he was breastfed and had immunity passed on from me. Ten days after the MMR vaccine encephalitis set in and he started screaming and banging his head on the wall and floor. From that day on he no longer played appropriately with his toys, started running around in circles on his tip toes and lost the 25 words he had in his vocabulary. By the age of 2 he was totally non verbal and in his own world. He also was very hyperactive and was very difficult to settle to sleep.
He is 33 years old now and is totally dependent on support from us (his ageing parents) and one support worker. He has very little functional speech which we have tried to teach him over the years but he cannot tell us how he feels or if he is in pain. He cannot dress himself properly in spite of years of therapies. We have to shower, shave, brush his teeth, wipe his bottom and cut up his food. He has meltdowns and can’t communicate the cause and he will run out of the house and on to the road or jump in a pool. He does not sleep peacefully getting up a lot through the night. He developed stomach issues and struggles with recurrent parasite infections and experienced Helicobacter Pylori infections twice 15 years ago. In 1993, seven months prior to his autism diagnosis at 2 years and 7 months of age in Australia (where we now live), medical specialists we took him to at the Children’s Hospital gave him every test possible to find out why he developmentally regressed. They could not find a reason such as such as genetic, viral, metabolic, brain structure or bacterial. We told the doctors then that his regression started after the MMR vaccine back in 1993 before it was known that this vaccine can cause autism. We can only put our son’s regression down to the MMR vaccine which caused the encephalitis of the brain and did permanent damage at 17 months of age. He has not had any vaccines since then. He functions as a 2 year old today and has no abstract thought or theory of mind. He is our only child and we love him dearly and will look after him until the day we die. ”
Son was developing normally until soon after getting his MMR vaccinations, then his development stopped and even regressed in some ways.
My child has also had chronic progressive health problems
My daughter went from at 3 mos old (very few vaccines) performing at the 9 months level on the ASD awareness chart on the wall of the examination room to performing less than the 3 months mark on the same chart at 8.5 months old after the aforementioned vaccines were previously administered. These vaccines contained thimerasol. Even though this was all recorded in her medical chart at the time, not a single healthcare professional said anything about it to me. It was several years later and at a different medical office that we discussed ASD regarding this child. I have 3 children and only the youngest has never been vaccinated. Both of my older 2 kids have what I believe to be vaccine damage. The youngest has no neurological anomalies and enjoys a more robust immune system as well as accelerated development that has never lagged or reverted. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for his older sisters. My children are now in their later teens to early adulthood.
My son was perfectly healthy and happy. After he was vaccinated. Just over a year old his behaviour changed dramatically. When he was about 7 he was diagnosed ASD. I do believe it was vaccination.
Asd signs after dpt but paediatrician denied dx. Had to seek private psychiatrist for dx – recieved at 17 months old
My son had the MMR and almost immediately had some travel vaccinations. His behaviour changed almost over night. This was 27 years ago so hard to remember what he had and when but he went from an easy baby who slept well to a child who was constantly on the go, wouldn’t sleep and energy levels through the roof.
These were the 15 month vaccines, 25 years ago. After the 2,4,6, and 12 month vaccines. This was the mercury decade – the kids born in the 1990s. He is fully recovered – through diet, detox, gut healing, etc. I think the mercury decade was easier to clean up than the mess that happened with the addition of even more vaccines that started after the 90s.
Older brother exhibited similar but milder developmental symptoms leading to an Asperger’s diagnosis with severe anxiety and depression leading to his ultimate suicide.
This son was highly intelligent (gifted), scholarly and academically accomplished yet deteriorated into severe depression and generalized and social anxiety leading to his ultimate suicide. Younger brother also impacted severely developmentally.
The doctor lied to my face telling me it’s more than safe and that there were no serious side effects and I am actually increasing the likelihood my son will live a more robust life and be healthier without a doubt. The lady pediatrician next to USC Arcadia hospital should be sued and held accountable for lying to me repeatedly and finally pulled the “he won’t be able to be enrolled in public grade school if you don’t do this for him now” card. Never trust a doctor 99.8% of the time. We (the patients) are literally the target audience that allows them to amass fortunes and scholastic elitist snobbism to the max at our own or our children’s health and longevity/lifespan. It takes a very wicked mind to come up with and put into place the laws that stipulated referral bonuses per each vaccine administered to a minor within a specific age group. I wish I knew then what I’ve come to know now, then maybe my son would’ve been more capable and less dysfunctional.
My son was saying a few words at 10 months of age. Day of MMR vaccine at 12 months old he got very high temperature. His soft spot on his head was bulging. He stopped saying his words and started screaming when I took him to noisy shopping places etc. I realised after his hearing had become oversensitive, another autism trait. He did learn to speak but as an adult suffers from a lot of anxiety, panic attacks and now can’t function without being on antidepressants.
“The tried to
Diagnose my daughter with regressive autism at 14 after a TDAP vaccination!!! It was neuroinflammation!! She’s still
Disabled by this vaccine! ”
This was a long time ago – 2008, my son is 18 now. He was born neurological, normal birth and gestation time. He looked at me one day, soulfully like “what’s happening to me” and I panicked because I knew something had changed but no one believed me until late fall 2008, he was diagnosed December 2008 at 2-1/2 years. He had ear tube surgery that summer. He started talking after a year but then it stopped. He is severely autistic, despite so much intervention. No one believes it was from the from vaccines. In Canada they give a few grouped vaccines: Pertussis and Pentacel. I believe it was the result of too much antibiotics due to ear infections (ear tube surgery was delayed too long) that made the gut leaky combined with too many vaccines too early. 😞 What are they doing to out children 💔
Sorry. Hard to remember. My guys are 29 and 27
My sons now an adult, I noticed a change in him around age 5, he is now considered autistic, on the Aspergers spectrum.
5-7 days after the mmr my son basically changed overnight. He was a functioning normal child & basically ceased talking & became irritable straight away.
My child was thriving until she received the MMR vaccines at the age of 12 months old. She shut down after that and was non verbal until 4 years of age. We live in the UK so I am not sure if childhood vaccine schedules are different to US. Thanks for doing great work on exposing the harms of childhood vaccines and the Covid vaccines – I am a huge fan.
“My child started exhibiting symptoms at 6 months. She started “”humming”” which continued on for many years until public ridicule caused her to stop.
I suspect this coincided with her 6 month vaccines. I put 5 in the number of days because I am really not sure & she was definitely vaccinated at 6 months. She had all of her prior vaccinations up until that point as well.”
Before 12 month shots, my child was speaking the normal words, dog, cat, mama, daddy, bye-bye. Almost immediately stopped talking. He was 4 before he could say anything that we could understand.
Noticed symptoms appeared almost overnight right at 1year old ! After first round of rotovirus vaccine 2months her stools went from healthy to overly large a constantly had to get suppositories that lasted up to 1year old had 2rounds of rotovirus! Not sure if that’s what caused constipation but definitely happened overnight after 2month shots! Went un talkative an personality change over night! Confusing now she’s 26 months still struggling to get a word out! At 9 months she was saying 8 words ! Lost
One year shots. So quite a few. The symptoms kept coming even after the first obvious ones showed up, like losing words, then banging head on wall, years later a seizure. Finding someone to believe and help was very hard.
He was fine. He slept 14 hours and changed. Stopped looking at me, started pulling my arm and was irritable. I was told it was terrible twos early. He got the DPT after hit 107 fever and never heard him say momma again.
One of my twin girls has ASD. They both were given all their childhood vaccines. It was around 7 months when my daughter woke up screaming and her back was rigid, bent backwards. Her body was rigid ever since. I noticed her staring off at nothing but never realized she could be autistic until she was about 3. She had major sensory issues and didn’t speak until she was about 5. Once I started learning about vaccines that is when it felt like someone punched me in the gut. I knew she was vaccine injured.
3 days after MMR, a light switch went off. He wasn’t behind his eyes anymore. He used to eat all kinds of food and then became very picky. No doubt this was a brain injury caused by vaccine.
My two daughters both developed autism gradually. One visibly regressed after her second MMR shot.
child was perfectly normal- ahead of the milestones. talking in 3-4 word phrases and then irritable, routine was a must, spoke only using one word nouns then became echolalic , terrible sleeping , couldn’t leave my side- not even my husband could stay with him, lining cars up .. i believe it started at the 18 month vaccinations and then progressively got worse . By 24 months e didn’t understand what was happening and certainly by 36 months we knew we had a serious problem. We sought all different kinds of treatment from alternative doctors as well as specialists. One was a neurologist doing research on kids with sudden onset autism. He felt our son now had encephalitis and absent seizures. Another doctor felt it was viral. Our son is 31 yrs old today – it was not the traditional medical community that helped us. He is very functional, has a landscaping business, friends, loves animals, sports, drives… everything they told me he would NOT do. I KNOW it was the vaccinations and I believe it was the MMR. Our family videos show the decline, our Nanny saw the decline as well as members of our family and friends. Our family is extremely skeptical of all vaccines….
My daughter is 47 years old and lives with us and we are her caregivers., She spiked a high fever the night after her vax at 171/2 months. Before she was saying words and starting to combine words for short sentences. Her speech ceased within a week of the vax and eye contact ceased as well. I am allergic to iodine and suspect she is as well. She had to relearn walking, climbing stairs, etc. She was right handed but lost the use of her right hand and is now left handed, with right hand useless. THEY KNEW what they were doing and did not publish all the ingredients in the vax. Then they lied for years and covered up their treachery. They destroyed our daughter’s life. They need to be punished for what they have done.
I am the grandparent, not the parent. I only know my grandson went from a healthy one-year-old to withdrawal and non-communication after he received the MMR vaccine at 18 months. Before that we would play together and laugh together, but he stopped looking at us and playing with us. He received a total of 27 vaccines by the age of 3 1/2 when he was diagnosed with autism.
Homeopathy can reverse vaccine damage. It can reverse autism. There’s hope. There are vaccine clears. Congress was going after homeopathy . It’s cheap & effective. It can even reverse genetic damage from COVID vaccines.
Metals, formaldehyde, poly-anything- number and other species’ dna are not good for anyone who wants to live.
5 days after the MMR vaccine my son launched into autism. He had 15 words at 2 and went to nothing. Hitting his head on the floor etc
Autistic tendencies slowly subsided until MMR booster was administered at age 5, when autistic signs immediately intensified, and gradually decreased again over a period of years.
If I had known and the pediatrician had been honesf about the possible cause of his symptoms, we would have stopped.vaccinations right then. However, it took us another eight months to figure it out ( he was a year old), and he hasn’t had another vaccine since. Nor will he ever have another. Fortunately, he’s homeschooled, so we don’t have to deal with government school mandates. We’ve also been educating our children about the dangers of vaccines, so that hopefully when they’re adults, they will avoid them and also not vaccinate our future grandchildren.
My son was developing normally. At 18 months he got his MMR shot. The decline was almost immediate.
My son met his milestones until he got a series of vaccines that I believe led to his autism. he regressed serverely, was non-verbal for many years.
The vaccines listed “before onset” were given in January and March, age 2 months and 4 months. After the 2-month shots, child had pronounced reaction – howling, fever, constipation, gas, spitting up. After 4-months shots, child went silent…for many months, while GI distress continued. We got hearing test, EEG, both perfect. Neurologist said child was unusually quiet but “still in normal range”. GI distress continued – gas, spitting up, constipation. I took child to a specialist in autism – not because I truly believed the silence was due to autism, because child’s eye contact and engagement were very high, just no vocalizing. I went to the autism specialist because all autistic kids have GI trouble, so maybe he had some ideas. This specialist immediately said that the GI distress was likely “casein sensitivity”, recommended Nestle’s Good Start (99% casein free). He recommended to PAUSE vaccines, and space them out as much as possible. We went right to the store and bought the Good Start formula, and child was immediately improved. The lack of vocalizing continued. Specialist recommended day care at 15 months for more socialization with peers. I continued to track the size of child’s vocabulary until entering school, and it was always at the low end. But by age 10 she was then very much at the high end. The other concerning event came when the child’s father filed for divorce when child was age 4. He had been EVERN MORE freaked out by child’s reaction to the 2 & 4-months shots, and had been totally in favor of pausing vaccines and going as slow as possible on future shots. His divorce lawyer evidently recommended that he go get the child caught up on shots to try to paint me as a negligent parent and HE the responsible parent. Without telling me, he took the child twice to get shot full of vaccines, two months apart. She came home with WELTS. Beginning at age 15, child was borderline disabled with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, POTS, IBS, Fibromyalgia, persitent nausea and vomiting. A Midwestern Doctor (on Substack) has pointed to vaccines having these outcomes.
It was severe depression in my 3 yo with no other known etiologies.
“My son, now 15, is diagnosed with ASD. When he was about a year and a half old, my wife had him vaccinated against tetanus. Before that day, he was aware of his surroundings, made eye contact, and both gave and responded to verbal cues. But the next morning, I found him awake in his crib, eyes open, yet completely unresponsive to verbal communication. It was a 180° shift from the way he had been before the vaccine.
From that point, it’s been an uphill struggle. Several daycares dismissed him due to behavior issues, and we eventually had to hire a nanny to care for him at home. Over the years, he slowly began displaying more neurotypical behaviors. By the time he was 12, his ASD symptoms had lessened significantly. He occasionally toe-walked and sometimes struggled with eye contact, but he was able to communicate effectively at both home and school.
Then, after an accident in the backyard involving a rusty nail, my wife had him receive a tetanus booster in 2021. Following the shot, he experienced a major regression. He lost eye contact, became increasingly withdrawn into his own world, began toe-walking constantly, and his behavior issues at school resurfaced.”
I saw a difference in my daughter the night she got vaccinated, her eyes glazed over and she just stopped thriving and would hum a lot and she had 7 or 8 shots combined
Within hours she become agitated, and ran a slight fever that lasted 1 year. My daughter also has Down syndrome so was in Early intervention since babyhood. She did not have autism until the MMR vaccine. She’s now 16.
“Had several shots containing multiple vaccines abt 10 days after 1st birthday. Was never the same. Immediately stopped babbling, went silent for abt a year. Lost eye contact within a few days. Suddenly had sensory issues he never had before. These included screaming (like terror)/incessant crying/hard to comfort, meltdowns, being upset by sounds, lights, and all light touch. Normal bowel movements stopped within a day or two at most. He became constipated for the next 10 years, including 1 fecal impaction that required hospitalization despite Miralax and other laxatives and the appropriate diet w lots of veggies, fruit, and fiber. He was very vocal and cooed a lot prior to those shots, Within a day or two, he went silent, as ub completely silent for over a year. Speech came in VERT slowly and it was difficult. We had to hire three diff speech therapy with different techniques. The specialist doctor thought he might never talk. Of course we got him well using holistic medicine for years and now he talks just fine. later developed poor balance, sensory seeking (proprioceptive).
My personal opinion and our experience says it is not necessarily the vaccine per se. I feel the main problem is specifically the adjuvants that are heavy metals, including mercury and aluminumm and who knows what else. He started on a major detox (sauna) at age 4, and the more metal we got out, the better he got. This was all confirmed by before and after urine toxic metal testing–initially there were very high levels of mercury and other metals and then as they went down, his symptoms improved, If you need to contact me, plz use the email I provided. “