Category Archives: Academia

2235AD till yearly forecast betters current monthly forecast

The learning curve has long been known to be able to predict the rate of progress in many areas. If one applies it to climate, the results are startling and suggest many centuries until we can predict even the yearly … Continue reading

Posted in 1/f, Academia, Climate | 4 Comments

History is written by the VICTORS!

They say history is written by the winners. But the Citizen News Media are beginning to dominate the internet. If this new CNM end up writing the history of the “climate wars”, does mean we are the winners?

Posted in Academia, History, Media | 4 Comments

The Citizen Scientist : a paradigm shift in Science.

After several conversations regarding my article: “The Citizen Scientist“, I am beginning think this may possibly be the most important article I have ever written about the climate debate. What I suggested is that sceptics can be considered as a … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, History, Media, Sceptics, science | 60 Comments

sceptics vs. academics

This is part of a long term project to try to understand why the “two sides” in the climate debate look at pretty much the same information and come to very different conclusions. Having met both sides, and tried to … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, My Best Articles, Sceptics, science, Survey | 236 Comments

The future of Climate Science and related Energy Policy

It’s now pretty much inevitable that the global warming scam is coming to an end, and so (in a few years) we will be in a position where common sense prevails. So what would be an acceptable end to the … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Climate, Energy, science | 6 Comments