What's the gradient (Fun test)

[WATU 4]

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6 Responses to What's the gradient (Fun test)

  1. DizzyRingo says:

    I couldnt find my ruler……

  2. Scottish-Sceptic says:

    It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be. I assumed the “right” answer would jump out at me, but I had to think a lot about it and even then, it’s not that obvious which is right as it looks.

  3. TinyCO2 says:

    I left my clear plastic bag with my pens and calculator on the bus.

  4. Pingback: Initial results of “Gradient test” | Scottish Sceptic

  5. Yes, fun. I got 9, (1 and 3 wrong). Some lucky guesses I think!

  6. Scottish-Sceptic says:

    That’s good … or at least you interpret graphs like a computer!
    It would be interesting to see whether there’s any pattern – for example perhaps those who do well, tend to fail on particular ones. Or perhaps there might be other groups who if they pick certain answers, will tend to pick others.
    But at the present the number of responses are too low to do much analysis.

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