Regurginates shoots and leaves: the growing cowardice of the Green Journalists

Following another article “A new Dark Age Looms” in the New York Times, I attempted to make a comment ….
There was a book “eats shoots and leaves” which was no doubt a favourite of those journalists at the NewYork Times, Independent and Guardian, who now engage in a form of “debate” in which they will spew up some vile green trash, shoot it out on the internet and then leave anyone unfortunately enough to come across their vile hatred against the rest of humanity with no means to put the sane point of view.
I can’t understand their mentality, surely comments are one of the best way to get readers and they must know that if the only way they have to win any “debate” is to silence the opposition, then they have already lost.
There’s now a growing number of outlets who ban comments altogether or like the UK Guardian ban commenters like me who they don’t like because I come in and have the gall to list the scientific evidence without getting into a street brawl that allows them to ban other sceptics “legitimately”. Surely this trend marks a growing desperation amongst the green=gullible fanatics in the media and other vile bloggers? (And I must admit I was glad to be banned from the Guardian as it saves me having to read their anti-science garbage)
But, it is very noticeable that it is the same outlets who have been most vocal about “freedom of speech” who are the very first to ban us sceptics. Yes that’s hypocritical, but a much more important point, is that these outlets endorsing these extremists views on climate seem to be genuinely perplexed to find that most people don’t support them. I’ve seen them trying to rationalise all the comments – they try to imagine there’s some “mastermind” behind the commenters, but we sceptics are as likely to argue with each other if we spot errors – so if it were a “co-ordinated plan” the co-ordination is pretty abysmal.
But, gradually, the comments have come to be dominated by sceptics – individuals who are usually far more knowledgeable than the journalists and very easily able to show them up for the copy and pasters they are.
This shows these journalists have been living in a bubble … a bubble where everyone agrees with them and somehow they either believe (or are very convincing in their lies) that “the system” is working against them.
But the reality is completely the reverse. In reality those like the Guardian and BBC are the establishment and it is they who are trying to stop everyone outside the establishment being heard.
Indeed, almost everything these journalists claim to be true about sceptics, has turned out to be the reverse:

  • It is greens who are the conspiracy theorist (dark forces behind everything we do!!)
  • The greens are funded by fossil fuel companies (Shell/BP were the big companies pushing wind)
  • They are the ones destroying the environment (Birdmincers)
  • They are the ones attacking the poor (higher fuel prices & wood burning)
  • They are the ones who want to stop the world turning green (through enhanced CO2)
  • They are the ones using big PR companies and massive budgets to silence the “little people”
  • They are the ones who are against freedom of speech
  • And they are the mouthpiece of the establishment.

So, it is now my firm belief, that the only people who still support the global warming scam, are those who for whatever reason are able to maintain this “bubble” around them. A bubble that keeps out the sceptics, keeps out the evidence from the climate and most importantly of all keeps in the funding.

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