Did we just see Ted Cruz become president?

Reading the first reactions to the Ted Cruz inquiry, it seems that partially as a result of Trumps “interesting” statements on Muslims, and partly as a result of his stunning performance on climate, the Clinton camp are are aiming their attacks toward Ted Cruz.
But back to climate. The issue being picked up by “The Blaze” are:

  • John Kerry#’s prediction of ice-free Antarctic by 2013
  • The failure of the computer models during the “pause”
  • 18 years without warming

The alarmist National Journal has a rather odd headline suggesting that Cruz played the “victim card” as a “climate heretic”.

“I be­lieve that pub­lic policy should fol­low the ac­tu­al sci­ence and the ac­tu­al data and evid­ence, and not polit­ic­al and par­tis­an claims that run con­trary to the sci­ence and data and ana­lys­is,” Cruz said
Ju­dith Curry, a Geor­gia In­sti­tute of Tech­no­logy pro­fess­or, said there’s been a “chilling ef­fect” on her own re­search and that she no longer ap­plies for gov­ern­ment grants be­cause she thinks they won’t get fun­ded.
Cruz denies that glob­al warm­ing is hap­pen­ing or that man has played a role and has made his “full-out deni­al” a key point in his pres­id­en­tial cam­paign, [false – I understand Cruz’s view to be that there is no evidence the change we have seen was manmade and good evidence it is natural]
However, au­thor Mark Steyn and Curry chal­lenged Mar­key after his ques­tion time had ex­pired for not giv­ing them time to re­spond, launch­ing a spir­ited back-and-forth about what data sets and stud­ies were re­li­able for study­ing cli­mate change.
Des­pite the hear­ing com­ing as Cruz is rising in the GOP polls, he kept ex­pli­cit pres­id­en­tial cam­paign­ing out of the cham­ber and in­stead fo­cused on pro­mot­ing cli­mate skep­ti­cism. He even said that he took Demo­crats’ cri­ti­cism as a “back­han­ded com­pli­ment.”


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