Ted Cruz: eight simple facts about climate

Well done Ted Cruz. The Democrats were like telesales people with rehearsed scripts incapable of departing despite the overwhelming evidence against them.
And it all boils done to these simple facts as Ted Cruz put it:

  1. CO2 is good for plant life
  2. The Earth is greening
  3. For significant periods of earth’s history there have been significantly more CO2 in atmosphere which did not come from burning fossil fuels.
  4. For 18 years both balloon and satellite data show no warming
  5. That satellite and balloon are the best evidence of whether the earth is currently warming
  6. That seas were increasing more in 1st half of 20th century
  7. That the computer models – that say we have to raise cost of living of all and make it harder to make ends meet – are profoundly wrong and inconsistent with the data and evidence.
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