When I first coined the term “the pause” back in 2007, it was an attempt to include in Wikipedia article on “Global Warming” a section comparing forecasts with actual results.
Then came Climategate – whereby the world got to see inside the corrupt arena of climate for the first time and no one was happy with what they saw. That didn’t stop the corruption, but it certainly did force them to be more circumspect as they knew they were being watched. As a result we had around 5 years in which the reported “temperature” from the human-adjusted metrics could not be so easily changed, it started to diverge massively from their (failed) predictions.
Finally, after I began winning the online duals time and time again by asking them to show me one single temperature series that had warmed as predicted (which they could not) … it seems they had had enough. And once we sceptics won the debate on the pause, they then had little choice but to introduce the new totally bogus, fabricated temperatures – ones which are so far from reality, that they are not supported by the satellites, by growing Antarctic ice, by the normal levels of global sea ice, or even Greenland surface ice (which has grown since 1990).
However, whilst we sceptics know these surface temperatures are bogus, we lacked something that could take it to the next stage which is a legal case. Because whilst Tony from Steven Goddard has done a sterling job highlighting the numerous stations with “unaccountable” adjustments, as a heating engineer – even though it’s not that difficult to detect these adjustments – a judge with no knowledge would be presented with a heating engineer and supposedly “the greatest climate ‘scientists'”. So most judges would be reluctant to convict without a similarly statused expert for us sceptics. But now that has changed:
Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl Ewert began looking at the data behind the global warming claims, and especially the datasets of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS).
From the publicly available data, Ewert made an unbelievable discovery: Between the years 2010 and 2012 the data measured since 1881 were altered so that they showed a significant warming, especially after 1950. […] A comparison of the data from 2010 with the data of 2012 shows that NASA-GISS had altered its own datasets so that especially after WWII a clear warming appears – although it never existed.”
See more at: NoTricksZone
As NASA gets huge amounts of money off the back of this work and as those involved benefit hugely from this work, this evidence of falsifying the data appears to amount to proof of fraud. So, no doubt the Congressional hearings into NOAAgate will now be able to look at NASA as well as NOAA.
Hopefully the trickle of outside expertise examining climate science and finding it wanting will eventually become a torrent.
There’s now clear evidence of divisions in both NASA and NOAA with “whistleblowers” actively helping the congressional inquiry. The writing in on the wall – sceptics have won – and now those who have been all too keen to go along with Obama are starting to wake up to the fact the global warming scam is crumbling and that the Republicans are more than likely to take the presidency and thus be able to dictate who does or does not run NASA and NOAA.
When NASA and NOAA turn sceptic, there will be almost nothing at all supporting the scam – and it will fall. And we will then have one of the biggest embarrassments ever seen within academia – and I will be very interested to see how they deal with that!
Thanks Science Skeptic for your efforts over the years from one who looks at both sides of a story before deciding on major issues. (I wish more people would do so.) Anyway, in my personal search for the truth, I recently came across your site. I come back regularly now, for updates. Your site is always up to date and easy to navigate. Not that I am anybody of import, but I want you to know that I appreciate your efforts in revealing the truth to the truth starved who only follow one side of the story – The Mainstream Media – and are completely bamboozled by fancy lights and commentary. (“Good Job!”) (Will Smith as Hancock)
Thanks I appreciate that. When we started, we knew there was something wrong – that more was being said than the evidence could possibly support. But the massive spending imbalance meant we were constantly fighting a rearguard action.
Then recently the climatic data has all started to go as expected – to not show the extreme weather or massive temperature trends. There’s now no question that we were right to be sceptical, the message is getting through to the political leaders – first with the Republicans, but soon with their help, the whole world’s political elite will get the message.