First time I've listened to Climate Academics thinking they know more than me

The full title should be: First time I’ve listened to Climate Academics thinking they know more than me and that they aren’t lying through their teeth to push an eco-political agenda. In other words, climate science warts and all, not eco-fascist clap trap.
Having read many climate articles I’ve formed my own views on what is most important in the climate. For example I knew that CO2 was both an emitter and absorber of IR, that most of the IR effect of CO2 occurred in the very lowest part of the atmosphere. From that I worked out that the real question was what was happening at the top of the atmosphere where IR did have a chance to escape and so a small amount of CO2 could affect radiation, and not the bottom where even massive changes to can’t increase IR blocking when it is already blocked.
Likewise, it’s pretty obvious that clouds form a vital negative feedback component effectively stabilising the planet (during inter-glacials). And that CO2 is a plant food is obvious to anyone who knows anything about biology. So,it’s great to see all this once “mainstream” science, which has now been repressed by Climate Extremists in one video:

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One Response to First time I've listened to Climate Academics thinking they know more than me

  1. It’s a travesty that we don’t know more than nearly nothing about clouds.

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