Encyclical: the embarrassing politics of the utopian vision.

The”news” rush from the pope’s encyclical is now well and truly over as today I see the coverage is now of sceptics pushing back. But whilst we climate sceptics might focus on the science, the climate doesn’t actually appear to have been the purpose of this document.
Instead, reading between the lines,  climate seems to have been just a useful hook on which to hitch a lot of political ideas which the climate allows to dress up as “concern for nature”. So basically, not only is “science” being abused, but also environmentalism is being used as a political tool to push a political agenda. And to do that, the catholic teachings have to be turned into pagan environmentalism, so also the catholic church itself is being abused.
And just to explain that “one world government”. To be honest, I’ve heard some sceptics talking about “one world socialist government”. I  thought they were reading far too much into what was happening. What’s more I focussed on the science because the science clearly supports us sceptics – and I thought this “one world government” was just an obsession by those on the political wing of scepticism. But now that I see what is in the Pope’s encyclical it is clear to me they were right, and so apologies for doubting you.
I couldn’t see the harm of more decisions at a world level – co-operation at a global level is a good thing. However it’s clear that those pushing the political vision in this encyclical don’t have cooperation in mind. Instead their vision will enforce a very extreme “left” utopian idea on that world government, not in the sense of helping the poor, but in the sense of behaving like extreme left regimes tend to behave (to the detriment of the poor). So we will have something very much like Stalin in Russia, with grand utopian “5-year plans” forcing everyone to comply with some utopian anti-science vision. And because those endorsing such utopian views are always totally economically & scientifically incompetent their plans “to help the poor” will instead kill millions if not billions.

It’s the politics of the utopian vision and its inherent rejection of pragmatism.

This political vision is something that will be as repugnant to those in the Labour party as Tory. Indeed this kind of undemocratic fascism is espoused by both extreme left and right, so it’s wrong to call it “socialist”. It’s what extreme socialist tend to do not what socialism is.
And it was this blatant politicisation which I think led to the polite, but rather muted response to the encyclical outside the environmental zealots. You don’t have to be an expert on climate physics to see that the encyclical was politically “hot”. It will embarrass many in the labour part. It will infuriate Republicans and Conservatives. Most sane sensible Catholics will look at the politics it contains and cringe.
So, it seems the Pope is being treated like a rather embarrassing relative. Yes his rantings are being politely covered, but beyond the normal social dues to the Pope as head of the Catholic church, there’s not a lot of enthusiasm for this encyclical in the saner news media.
And because this backs up what we have been saying about the politicisation of climate academics and because you don’t need to know anything about science to see how global warming is being used to push certain political views, this encyclical will help explain to many people the kind of politics we sceptics are up against in climate. And therefore it will do a lot to improve our credibility and bring people around to our way of thinking.
The Catholic Church
Which now leaves me wondering what happens to the Pope in the Catholic church. Because by asserting certain politically inspired ideas as “science”, the pope has allowed himself to enter an arena where things are not nuanced. Data either shows warming or it does not. It either shows increasing extreme weather or it does not. And so ultimately, as the evidence comes in, the Pope will find that he has made statements that (at least some) are provably false.
And I really cannot imagine a worse time for the pope to stake his reputation, and with it the reputation of the whole catholic church. Climate data in many areas is already well in favour of Sceptics. The Pause has all but broken the back of arguments that “it is warming”. There are no adverse trends in extreme weather. Polar bears are thriving, global sea ice is back to normal. Indeed if there are any trends its reducing Hurricane activity and a general greening of the planet and increasing harvests as CO2 levels rise (CO2 is a plant food).

It’s now only belief that keeps this scam going – not evidence.

And so it is now just a question of the “last data straw” that breaks the camel’s back: how long academics can keep believing something in the face of all the evidence against their views.
And when the academics are forced by the evidence to lose faith. The Pope’s encyclical will be highly embarrassing and cause many Catholics to lose faith.
I don’t know much about encyclicals, but I can’t imagine many can be so easily disproven in such a black and white way. One must draw obvious parallels with the Catholic Churches fight with reality in the Galileo affair.
But you can’t sack a Pope – so what do they do?

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2 Responses to Encyclical: the embarrassing politics of the utopian vision.

  1. Pingback: A sudden realisation – I wouldn’t want to be a climate academic now. | Scottish Sceptic

  2. catweazle666 says:

    Ironic, is it not, that given “Creationist” is one of the slurs regularly employed against AGW sceptics, the Warmists are now blest with the biggest Creationist of the lot as their pre-eminent spokesman…

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