Is this the end? Where are the alarmists?

I’ve been searching on and off all day looking for my daily dose of shoving the temperature data showing its not warmed at anything like the lowest IPCC prediction they made in 2001 down the throats of the few remaining alarmists. And I cannot find one discussion going on line a the moment.
I am seriously concerned! I am suffering withdrawal symptoms!
Have they withdrawn, routed, changed sides, all attending some international climate meeting in a phone box somewhere?
No doubt normal alarmist service will resume shortly – but what if it doesn’t? What will I do then?

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13 Responses to Is this the end? Where are the alarmists?

  1. John Smith says:

    it does seem like the last quarter of a game where an arrogant domineering team sees an opponent they thought vanquished surging from behind to overtake them
    I do the same searching as you
    a total collapse of some kind has to be near
    I can’t stop watching

  2. Thanks for posting that. I was beginning to wonder whether I was missing something.
    There are stories of battles lasting for days and one side wake up one morning only to find the other side have completely disappeared.
    What do we do now? Just wait to see what happens?

  3. TinyCO2 says:

    It’s a funny year and both sides of the debate are a bit depressed. We’re all waiting for the climate to reveal the future. Warmists can’t relax because it’s not warming and sceptics can’t relax because it isn’t cooling and the scientists still refuse to publicly admit the game has changed. There’s always a nagging doubt that we’re missing some truth that the warmists can see but then I compare them to us and conclude that I wouldn’t trust the other side… ever. This is the sensible party.
    While I’m not normally side on to the mainstream consensus, I have learnt the value of asking questions but at the moment there are few questions that haven’t been asked and answers are still not forthcoming.
    Personally I think the warmists are peaking too soon for Paris and risk thoroughly annoying the wrong people enough to break ranks.

  4. John Smith says:

    Well, I think honest knowledgeable observers like you need to keep pointing at the naked emperor
    If you weren’t for you and others speaking out on the blogosphere, I certainly would not be aware of this wholesale assault on rational thought
    It’s a battle for intellectual liberty
    thanks for taking the fight to them
    you are doing it and it will be very interesting to see what happens
    history in the making is my bet

  5. John Smith says:

    dang spell check
    ‘If it weren’t for you and others…’

  6. John Smith says:

    It is clear that a climate catastrophe is not in the making
    in fact the climate is unusually stable
    and both sides are depressed?
    what is wrong with us?
    both sides should be celebrating
    could it be that mankind is not the scourge of nature?

  7. Ron Clutz says:

    From a North American perspective, things are quiet for a couple of reasons: most of the continent is frozen and no storms or natural disasters are happening. Also, the El Nino index says the Pacific is back in neutral SSTs. So not much happening, except for references to the California drought (moderated somewhat by recent rains). The other focus of course is to attack skeptics on the basis of funding, though that may backfire.

  8. By the way it seems to have died a death, I gather the attacks on sceptics has misfired.

  9. waterside4 says:

    Sorry to be a party pooper, but the good old reliable biased BBC has 3 MMGW items up on their so called science section on teletext.
    1/ climate scientists at leading universities drawing anti grown up fuel boycotts.
    2/ climate change big threat to China.
    3/Arctic sea ice fallen to lowest recorded level – evva!
    One can always rely on the BBC.

  10. TinyCO2 says:

    It might just be the first salvo. That or someone reminded the Dems how much money the warmist climate scientists and depertments are pocketing from fossil fuel companies.

  11. Didn’t spot those but the BBC seldom allow comments on climate news for obvious reasons. Likewise, there’s one in the Guardian which again doesn’t allow comments.
    Note both these are vocal advocates for free speech – until it’s views they don’t like and then they are the first to try to silence the mainstream opposing views.

  12. It was clearly intended to be a big campaign, no doubt with Obama’s own fingerprints on it. It looks like they totally miscalculated as it’s gone from a full flung campaign to nothing within a few days as if someone just pulled the plug with nothing to replace it.
    In other words, they suddenly discovered that attacking sceptics was actually attacking large numbers of their own voters and losing them votes.

  13. michaelspencer2 says:

    Here’s a little group of survivors down here in the Antipodes:, and there a few more of their ilk scattered here in there – generally in inner-city suburbia!
    That they get challenged with little things like this must be a worry for them, but they steadfastly resist looking or listening, steadfast unto the end!

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