I don’t know about anyone else but I’m already addicted to uClimate.com. But it is certainly bringing up surprises. The first was that WUWT is not the top blog – at least in terms of posts with Stephen Goddard producing some 269 articles and Climate Depot some 184 compared to WUWT’s 97. Obviously there’s no comparison in terms of quality but even so it was a surprise.
But the real eye opener has come from the new addition which records clicks on articles. It is so new, that it is not publicly available (sorry I’m still trialling the software). But what do you suppose the top article is? Was it …
- Judith Curry: Is global warming causing the polar vortex?
- The GWPF: Wind Farms ‘Will Be Paid Billions To Switch Off’
- Judith Curry: The Fundamental Uncertainties of Climate Change
- Climate Denial Crock of the Week: How Cheap Are EV Batteries?
- Bishop Hill: Met Office finally becomes sceptics?
Yes, they are all in the top few, but no they are not top. Instead, if the number of clicks are to be believed, what is the most important issue flexible the combined intellect of sceptics? It’s this:
Warren Meyer: Windows 8 Even Worse Than I Thought
Up to this point, after some initial bad impressions trying Windows 8 briefly, I have avoided it like the plague. However, my son needed a new laptop and the only ones that really met our requirements only came in Windows 8 flavors, so we bought one. What an awful mess. The system boots up into …
2014-01-08 06:08 1 Comment … and the worst thing is that I too hate Windows 8.
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XP ends April 2014, so is it Windows 7 or 8.1?
Really useful book, and I assume there must be others too.