As I wait for the train for Prof Salby … this story is worth posting. After the Kyoto Commitment legally came to an end on the 31st December 2012 I just assumed the press would report this fact. They did not. Instead they reported the official line that “everything was fine because we have all agreed to agree to agree to have an agreement sometime”.
Now, as I predicted that agreement to agree … is falling apart. From the GWPF we have:
Hopes Fade For Legally Binding Climate Deal
Australia Snubs UN Climate Talks As Minister Stays Home To Repeal Carbon Tax
Googling the word Kyoto I find you have to be half way down the 3rd page before there is any mention of the protocol.
And that is how the media do it. See Orwell’s description of how “we have never been at war with Eastasia”
Now the BBC (reluctantly drefting Professor Lockwood) having lied for decades to push CAGW, are going back to once again pushing the “new ice age” scare. It is perhaps possible that there is some employee of the BBC who is, in private life, very occasionally honest.
Britain should do what Australia and Canada did; middle finger to Kyoto Protocol
Ironic that the only major industrial nation to have significantly exceeded Kyoto’s demands is the USA which never signed it in the first place.