Since Trump became president, the chances of the US entering into the death and destruction of a nuclear war has become almost zero. Which, as the US controls UK nuclear weapons, means the UK isn’t going to be allowed to use nuclear weapons.
So, Starmer is going to send the British army to die in Ukraine. I’m not going to spend any time researching the figures, so I’ll pick them from memory. But if memory serves me right there are about 30,000 in the British army and about 20 to 40 working tanks.
About 1million have died in Ukraine. The vast bulk on the Ukrainian side that never fails to leave its people in an unwinnable position to get slaughtered. But, even if we assume parity, that is some 500 deaths a day on each side. Even if Starmer slaughtered the British army to the last woman, that would extend the war by 60 days. A more likely scenario is the toppling of Starmer within days of the slaughter starting.
Realistically the globalist forces opposing Russia’s fight for Russians in Ukraine would need a force of about a million to fight the current war (and arguably still lose) and perhaps 30million** to fight Russia with any prospect of winning as it too would start increasing the size of its army. Because only when you get to at least 15million, does Russia start struggling … and that is assuming it gets no help from all the other countries who would love to see the west fall.
We are talking 1000s of ships, which means 100s of new docks, tens of thousands of tanks, all of which mean totally reversing the decline of heavy industry that has been a government policy for well over 40 years.
We are talking about begging China to massively increase its supply of everything essential for war, from steel, to chemicals for explosives , to rare metals for drone production. China will say no, as will India, as will every other country outside the west. So the west will be left on its own to fight Starmer’s pathetic war.
Even the Britain of WWII which had the belief in itself to arm to fight against Totalitarians in the form of National Socialists, would now struggle to turn around the Britain of today to fight against the army that won WWII for the allies. It would take them at least a decade to prepare.
We are not just starting from the almost total destruction of industry that was essential to winning WWII … but from a government and media culture that clapped that on and delighted as every industry critical to fighting war fell and vanished. It would take at least a decade to rebuild that industry. It would also take at least a decade to change the culture of government to not just permit, but enthusiastically support with allĀ its heart and sole, the industry that government destroyed. You cannot start rebuilding the war industries, until government changes its own culture.
And, Russians know it, and that is why they are laughing at Starmer and the idiots who imagine they could win a war with Russia.
**Typically cultures can only produce armies about 10% the size of the population. In order to win (as Russia is defending which gives a huge advantage), an opposing force needs a 2:1 ratio. Hence the force needed to win against Russia is about 30 million. But, realistically given the constant wars created by the west, China, Iran and a host of other countries will join the Russians. Countries that start from a massive superiority in war manufacturing capability and peoples … and cultures that will allow their people to support war, as opposed to the “soft” western culture that will crumble at the first sign of western blood.
French nuclear weapons … good luck to them if they fire them on Russia! I do not believe Russia will hesitate to take out all French military establishments and also anything essential to rebuilding the military industrial complex in France.
Likewise, if Starmer and the EU started rearming for war with Russia, the US would never elect a pro-war government that would permit nuclear weapons to keep the insane oligarchs of the EU in power. Sure, the US would supply arms, at huge cost, and against secured assets (it won’t accept loans, because the EU economy is going to crash). But if the starmer-EU starts a war, one it clearly cannot win, the US is never going to join it.
There is no point joining the losing side.