The collapse of the Global warming scam

It’s a bit like watching one of your children, repeatedly touching an electric fence after you said “don’t”. It’s not nice watching society starting to fall apart as NutZero starts to do its damage, but I do have confidence that now the damage is clearly being felt, that, despite being led by the dumbest people I can ever imagine being put in charge of any country, even they will eventually realise that you can’t do NutZero without a massive electric shock.

Of course, it’s not going to happen all at once. I don’t expect a road to Damascus moment where all the politicians double their IQ and say “Oh … NutZero is causing everyone to hate us we must drop it”. Instead, it will take perhaps 10 to 20 years of continuous extreme hatred of these politicians and extreme economic and social disruption for them to finally figure what someone like me figured out decades ago. But, it will happen. Hopefully they will be out of office long before that and Reform or another party will have taken over.

But, it is happening … my baby is growing up. Global warming scepticism is now mainstream. It is now well beyond the original people who were there at the beginning. Now people like Farage and many other politicians have seen the opportunity it gives to them to progress their careers and they are clearly on the bandwagon.

Is Climate Important

Of course humanity is affecting the climate, and the way we are affecting the climate is worrying. CO2 is a bit player in the act, but it is never-the-less something that in sane times I might have more interest in. But, it is very clear to me, that the world is insane and run by completely corrupt morons who couldn’t spot the right thing to do, unless it was painted with money.

Nothing is going to change the corruption. Nothing I can do is going to improve on the utter stupidity of policy we have now. The only thing that will change anything is the hostile reaction of the public to Nut Zero.

As for the climate … we have no idea what happens next, we have no idea how mankind is causing it or not … and all we can do is live with it. Because I wouldn’t trust the political leadership in most of the world to farm turnips.


Clearly people in the US government colluded with the gunman. That’s not a conspiracy theory … that is simply the fact.

Does it matter? Only for those two who died … and every sympathy to their family and friends. As for Trump, I really couldn’t care less. The US is a cess pit of corruption and I don’t think it will matter who is in charge, the corruption is destroying it from the inside. The best thing for us in Britain now, is to break all ties with the US and hope we don’t go down with them.

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