The future for Israel … pretty grim

It has now become clear that Israel killed JFK and that Israel has pretty much been controlling US politics since. In other words, Israel is the US deep state … the state within the state.

It is also very clear, that during that period of Israeli control, the US debt has been increasing to unsustainable levels, presumably in order to send a massive dollop of US money regularly to Israel without the US public complaining.

The US is not the only country that has suffered massive rising debt, nor Israeli control/influence. Nor has the period since JFK been entirely bad. There was largely peace in Europe … unless you were a country the EU wanted to take over. There was growing prosperity … unless you count the debt per person and then it’s arguable whether we are any richer. However, the US let the deep state=Israel run its country into massive debt, and now even Musk, who is deeply embedded in the US deep state, can see that the situation is unsustainable.

More importantly, so can all those countries that used to accept the worthless bits of paper called US dollars for their goods. Sooner or later, the dollar will crash and anyone left holding the dollar will find they are next to worthless. And a bit like musical chairs, people are trying desperately to cosset their “own chair” whilst not letting on to others that the music will soon stop and that those without a chair are going to crash and burn. They need an excuse to ditch the dollar … and BRICS was that excuse … one eagerly accepted.

But, what does that mean for Israel, that has effectively been living off the US like a parasite since JFK? It means the parasite’s host is going to become extremely ill, and indeed, it may implode and break up, leaving the parasite without its host.

Since they killed JFK, Israel has been making itself the most hated country in the middle east. Basically the quintessential little hitler who goes around with the school bully. The mini Hitler cannot be touched … because they control the school bully.  But, take away the school bully and life looks extremely bad for the mini Hitler.

Of course, everything takes longer than we might imagine. But metaphorically I can already see the vultures circling over Israel.

The people of Jesus the Palestinian will return to their land and the European Jewish Zealots … will … who cares?

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