I’m not a great fan of making comments when I know everyone agrees with me … what’s the point? There has to be something new to be said to make it worth my time. So, it is getting a bit worrying, that I haven’t felt the need to comment on the climate for several weeks.
How many times can I say “Yippee the climate madness is falling apart”?
Every story I’ve read lately is either of something going disastrously wrong for the nutters, or tittering on the edge of going disastrously wrong. There is no longer the great threats of the past. It’s just lame failures.
I see today, that the UK economy had negative growth … clearly the post covid Totalitarianism spending spree has come to an end, and now the real state of the Nut Zero destroyed economy is poking through. It seems safe to predict an official recession fairly soon.
No doubt the collapsing economy will be seized on by two tier Starmer as yet another reason to keep this hated PM in power … but the writing is on the wall for him as daily he creates more and more people who just want to see the back of him.
I never predicted that I might feel sorry to see the climate nuttery disappearing. But, I suppose, it was so easy to know I was right on the climate, because the people pushing the climate insanity were clearly and unequivocally real scum.
But ….
I wonder what comes next?
Is the current insanity on climate going to be replaced with yet more insanity? If so, what? Will it be so clear cut? Will climate mutate … will we get get the global cooling scare?
The simple fact, is that whatever comes, will be what makes certain people money and they don’t give a damn about the morality. They just care that there are enough gullible people to fall for their media lies … and … I too can be gullible, just as covid showed.
But, I just can’t see anything else replacing the utter crass stupidity of the climate nutters who defied science, defied scepticism and defied economic common sense. They had nothing going for them … except $billions of government slush money and the tens of thousands of idiots that buys to push the scam.
Will I ever see another scam that was so easy to pick sides?