Is peace in Ukraine in the Offering?

It appears the grown ups in the global room have been discussing their delinquent neighbouring children, and it seems, rather than join their childish games, they are acting to end the death and destruction of Ukraine and (albeit slower) much of Europe.

In contrast, the UK’s temporary resident in No 20**, hated by a majority of Brits, and most people throughout the globe, continues to serve some unmentioned master whose intentions clearly have nothing to do with the interests of Britain and certainly not the British people.

However, despite the children, things are clearly moving in a direction, that could bring peace.

Of course, the children want to continue killing Ukrainians … aka Russians … also known as “the plebs” … those unmentionables outside their isolated palaces of anti-democracy. Unfortunately, the UK has around 20 working tanks … and enough idiots to man them, whose families will grieve when they are gone. Nothing like the number those like Starmer have already killed in Ukraine, but certainly closer to home, and certainly more grieving families to add to Starmer’s tally of evil. Starmer is intent on more evil, but it seems that he is now isolated and without the means to continue the war for any time for his masters.

But, will the adult’s action lead to real peace? Both the Russians and US are pretty arrogant societies, apt to ignore the real damage they can do, and have done to others. Not so much a bull in a China shop, or a gun ship for “peace talks”, but even with the best of intentions, which they appear to have, Russia and the US may not have the humility and empathy required to bring real peace.

**I think a number 2 slipped in there!

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