Climate and “vaccine” scepticism … winning.

I’ve been following a few mRNA “vaccine” sceptics, because they are rightly sceptics of a “treatment” that killed more than it saved, and that fact was hidden from the public for money. I also contribute to climate sceptics, who likewise know the criminal behaviour of those in climate.

However, I do expect climate sceptics to be climate sceptics and “vaccine” sceptics to be “vaccine” sceptics. But recently, I’ve noticed a growing trend that “vaccine” sceptics are increasingly vocal about their climate scepticism, and climate sceptics are increasingly vocal about their “vaccine” scepticism.

Indeed, there are forums, where they are supposedly neither “vaccine” nor climate sceptics … but they too are increasingly vocal about their “vaccine” and climate scepticism. Scepticism seems to be becoming very popular!

At the height of the covid evil, there were idiots calling for anyone questioning the safety of the jab to be put into concentration camps, not for killing people like Fauci, but just for questioning the safety of the improperly tested “vaccine” … just as there were idiots calling for similar concentration camps for anyone sceptical of the adjusted temperature data and the false conclusions drawn.

I wonder what those same people are going to be demanding, when they finally realise that they were conned into taking a jab that increased their chances of dying?

It is hardly surprising that Fauci is so scared of the people he treated like dirt, that he demanded the demented Bidem give him a pardon for all the crimes he has committed, despite, not having been accused on any crimes during the time of the criminal Bidem regime. He knows what is coming …. and he is scared. Quite right!

And having set the precedent of sending those responsible for the jab to the electric chair … because I really see no alternative … they are then coming for those behind the climate scam.

I wonder what punishment they will get?

Maybe they’ll be lucky and get “renewable” electricity which only works intermittently? Two days waiting for the wind to blow and then slowly cooked?

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