Surviving a Nuclear war – most people will.

I have been looking at how to survive a nuclear war and I’m not at the stage of attempting to validate my approach by looking around to see what others have done. And, I’m frankly aghast.

I just could not find anyone in the UK who is taking the subject seriously. Indeed, I have sent many emails, and people just do not respond … total head in the sand approach.

The reason is clear from a discussion on Mumsnet. Everyone that piled on at the beginning (co-ordinated coincidence?) stated that a nuclear war of any kind simply wasn’t survivable and everyone should just kill themselves immediately. That might be news to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors.

Likewise on various so called “prepper” forums, there was a complete lack of discussion. They will discuss ad nauseum the “horrific” effect of “climate change” equivalent to walking up a small hill and the disastrous impact of sea level rise of 1mm/year which will flood somewhere 10m above sea level in 10,000 years times (well after the next ice-age starts). They will praise this or that new bit of equipment, clearly showing that “prepping” is really a big business and many prepper sites are paid to push people toward the many expensive gadgets on sale.

However no discussion of a nuclear war, that could start tomorrow and could seriously impact everyone’s life in a very dramatic way.

So, the first step to surviving a nuclear war, is this – ignore the idiots and doomsayers who pretend to be preppers, but aren’t:

Accept it could happen, and that you are more than likely to survive, and that you could do a lot now to improve your chances of surviving then.

Indeed, the overwhelming feeling that most people will have just after a nuclear exchange is this: “I thought we were supposed to die?” quickly followed by: “if I knew I was going to survive I would have spent a little bit more time learning what to do now and making life easier for me now”.

20 years after the event, most people will regret their behaviour before the event.

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