For a naughty schoolboy who knows they are going to be found out and punished, the knowing they are going to be punished, without knowing when or how, is almost as bad as the punishment. Indeed, it can be worse. For many of those committing crimes are so distressed by the not knowing when or how they will eventually be caught and then prosecuted, willingly give themselves into the police and openly admit the crime to bring the horrific period of uncertainty to an end.
The UK has now committed an act of war. The UK knows it will be punished. But it does not know how that punishment will happen, when it will happen, nor because there are so many ways to punish another country, it may not even know if the punishment has happened, is happening or will happen. But it knows something is going to happen sometime.
There is no doubt about the precarious position of the US and UK economy with the massive debt and lack of support for the present unwanted occupants of the top job. So, it is quite possible that this endless speculation about the form and timing of the punishment, and the jumping onto anything that does happen as “potentially the start of the punishment”, that the UK & US markets could talk themselves into a recession. And, it would all be ably abetted by the Western Psyops desperate to push Russia into a response that would allow NATO to start WWIII before Trump takes over.
And, Russia need not do a thing.
The guilt of the criminal … creates the punishment.
Will the UK government be able to repress discussion of impending WWIII from the media?
Let’s see:
Imagine a group of boys standing in front of the headmaster’s office expecting to get a caning … and everyone is blaming each other for getting them into trouble. And, inside the headmaster is laughing as he lets them wait.
Is there a lot of talk about nuclear war?