The blindness of experts

I was reading today an article which was “How does coronavirus compare to flu, Sars, and other diseases?”. Before looking at what the “experts” say, lets look at the simple stats comparing CV with SARS.

CV increases by about 10x each week. SARS increased by about 2.5x in a month. In a month CV would increase by about 10,000. So the scale of difference is about 4000:1

So, lets now look at how the experts compare the two (link):

According to WHO, the average reproductive rate (r0) of coronavirus ranged between 1.4 and 2.5. That meant, on average, each confirmed case of coronavirus would infect between 1.4 and 2.5 other people.

It is more contagious than some of the most deadly airborne viruses, however. Mers has an r0 of between 0.3 and 0.8.

Someone has totally cocked up here! If the “experts” are saying “it’s not that much different to SARS” and SARS approximately doubled each month, and there are only currently 85 cases in the UK, of course the “experts” are sitting on their fat arses content that they’ll be able to look at it in another month and maybe consider informing the government that maybe they ought to think about doing something.

But in a month we won’t have
160 cases, but nearly a million
not “a death” but nearer 10,000

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