Left and right are false concepts of the authoritarian groupthink socialists who see the world as “them and us” and it is one of the biggest lies of the fake media era of the past century.
So, I’m getting increasingly tired of seeing people who are against political groupthink using the left-right categories which were made to portray politics as merely two ends of a false political spectrum
This one dimensional concept of politics was created by those like the Biased Corp in order to lump everyone who does not support their groupthink view into one enormous “right” who are then falsely stated as being one single group so that the whole “right” can be attacked and tarred with the brush of one small group. This tactic is used to group “right” creationists as the same as “right” & very pro-real-science climate sceptics and scientists. But those like the Biased corp create this fictitious “right” in order to attack climate sceptics as being the same as anti-science creationists, when the only thing in common between climate sceptics and creationists is that we both disagree with the groupthink of the Biased Corp … but for entirely different reasons.
The only meaningful way that anyone who is strongly against the groupthink agenda of those like the Biased Corp is “far right” is that the Biased Corp groupthinkers are “far wrong”.
In truth, if there is any meaning to this left-right “dimension” of politics it is between groupthink and diversity of views. It is between those like Google & the Biased Corp who demand or carry out censorship in order to enforce their groupthink and those who value free-speech, even of those they strongly disagree with, because we value diversity.
And to show just how ingrained this left-right nonsense is, let’s see how almost all the language used in this left-right false characterisation of politics is false.
- The Fascists, like the eco-fascists, like the anti-democracy EU-fascist are on the left
- The people who value diversity are on the right
- The science is with those who value free and open discussion. Those who push the global warming agenda are anti-science groupthinkers.
- Who are the people obsessed with race? Is it those like me who value diversity and don’t give a damn about skin colour? Or is it those like the Biased Corp who are obsessed with race and are constantly saying that beige people (falsely called “white” by the biased corp to make a false distinction with “black”) are behaving and thinking in a particular way only because of their “race”. That’s racist!
- And the biggest deception of all the real evil mass murderers are on the left, the people who murdered the Jews both in Germany and elsewhere, were socialists like the National Socialist party in Germany and likewise those like Stalin, Mao, etc were communists. Groupthinkers commit mass murder, not those who value diversity!
- etc.
The fake news media have literally turned concepts on their head. The real fascists today are groups like Antifa or Greenmail corps who want to impose their views through undemocratic means. But who do the fake news media constantly brainwash their gullible readers into believing are fascists? Those who value diversity and want democratic decisions like Brexit to go through!
What we have been subject to in the west, is almost a century of the groupthink media, distorting historical truth in order to characterise those national socialists and communists who support groupthink as being the same as “the right”, when it is the groupthinkers like those who have illegally kept us in the groupthink EU who are the fascists with an agenda almost exactly the same as the Nazis. It was the Nazis and Communists who are most like the fascist Biased Corp and Google because like them, they are the ones imposing their authoritarian anti-democratic views and it is they who are like the fascists vehemently opposed to individualism and diversity.