Great news! The UK, Chinese, India and US government and have all consented to allow this hugely important experiment to proceed!
Having examined temperature records and the global distribution of warming I am now convinced that early-style pollution associated globally in the 1970s with SO2 emissions caused cooling, and that the rapid reduction in this form of pollution from 1970-2000 led to the warming spike in this period and consequentially to the Pause in warming approximately from 2000.
However, as I showed in a previous article, modern technology apparently does not have the same effect. This explains why studies simply tracking pollutants find little correlation. It was not the pollutant so much as how the pollutant was released that had the effect. So whatever was causing the temperature change now seems to have disappeared – which makes trying to find it extremely difficult: because how do you prove the effect of something that now does not exist?
But the obvious suspect is that “primitive” technology like burning raw coal in an open hearth may have been the principle cause of cooling. Thus the suspect is that widespread low level pollution as you get from burning coal in households. We certainly know it had dramatic effect on the weather creating effects like the London smog (as shown above).
The physics is simple: The pollution created a nucleus around which water droplets would form. At ground level, this in turn reflected sunlight, reduced temperatures and led to more water condensing. In still air conditions with high humidity, this leads to dense low level fog called “smog”. But when the same air is dispersed and then heated in the natural cause of weather and ascends to cloud level it has the same effect, but at a greater level and over a much wider area and considerably downwind of the source.
The delay before this pollution has an effect downwind, may be because until it disperses and is thoroughly mixed in the lower turbulent layers it tends to block sunlight causing air containing the pollution to be slightly cooler. As such when this pollutant is concentrated it causes the air containing it to “cling” to the surface. It needs to disperse, for the cooling effect of direct sunlight blocking to almost disappear (or be so widely dispersed all air contains it), before convection can “grab it” and take it up to the cloud layer where it again blocks sunlight much much more effectively in as it promotes cloud blocking droplets before being washed out.
This also explains why modern technology is not having the same effect. Because the pollution is in a hot column of air that rapidly rises to the cloud layer. So, yes we expect clouds to form, but they will be very concentrate in a small area and as such they may have a large effect, but in a very small area, too small to effect global temperature.
that if we were to experimentally release vast amounts of pollution over a few nights over large regional areas we should see a significant lowering of temperature in a region around 2 to 2.5 thousand miles “downwind”.
Each area have agreed** to encourage people to release absolutely massive amounts of pollutants in a concerted carnage of pollution on the following days:
- China: 16 February 2018.
- India: 19 October 2017
- UK: 5th November 2017
- US: 4th July 2017
On these days these countries will be releasing vast amounts of smog causing pollutants which when it reaches the cloud layer a few days later, ought to cause an increase in cloud and a significant reduction in surface temperature.
** Obviously I’m just joking. These are the days when each country now “traditionally” let’s off fireworks.
And I’ve already found clear evidence of smog-like weather being formed:

Post Dawali Smog Source
PHOTOS: After Diwali Fireworks, Smog Shrouds New Delhi
Beijing city officials told no Lunar New Year fireworks to crack down on smog
And I’ve certainly noticed a tendency in the UK for there to be smog on the nights after people release fireworks in the UK.
Help Needed
Now all I need now is day-by-day temperature data for the relevant down-wind areas.
As such I predict cooling in the following areas:
- 19-24th** February 2018 around N.Japan and Russia around Sea of Okhotsk**
- 8-13th November 2017 around Finland, St.Petersburg
- 7-12th July 2017 East Canada
- 22-27th** October 2017 prevailing wind direction is unclear** (?)
** Dates based on Lunar Calendar and vary each year.
The exact direction will depend on the prevailing wind direction and distance from source will depend on the rate of convective currents taking low level potentially smog forming pollution to cloud level. But if as I predict we see a pronounced degree of cooling, then this is strong evidence that the reduction of similar smog-forming pollution from the 1970s was the cause of the 1970-2000 warming and NOT CO2.
Add new years eve in the Netherlands
Yes, good comment … but we’d expect the same effect on New Year’s eve – but because it’s so global, we don’t expect the same concentrated regional effect. So, not the same scientific “control”.
However … now I think about it … unlike “Guy Forke’s Night” in the UK which is now about a week of fireworks, New Year’s eve marks a clear point in time and whilst geographically dispersed, it ought to be very very sharp in terms of time.
The only problem is the exact time to take effect may depend on local weather conditions.
This actually sounds pretty funny, cuz if what they’re saying is true, that’s smoke and all that from fireworks and explosives will eventually lead to global cooling, then Syria and Iraq should be the coldest places on the planet
The cooling effect in the northern hemisphere occurs around 2000 miles downwind. So, it wouldn’t be Syria that would be being cooled. There’s a hotspot in central Africa about 1700 miles away – but the winds are lighter – I’m not entirely sure of the direction and any trend may also include the Iran-Iraq war and I’ve no idea whether armaments contain the right chemicals to cause smog (I doubt it’s moist enough in Syria to get smog – so I don’t know).
First – GREAT IDEA!!
Just had a look – the Iraq war ended the year the Syrian conflict begins. So the best I can do is look at the short interval from 1990 when there was no war – but then in the direction of expected wind movement = Central Africa – there’s a big hole in the data.